Severalls Water Tower, General

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Moderate Moderator
Apr 2, 2007
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Looking through over 800+ pictures I have from inside Severalls, I noticed that probably like most people there is a strong bias towards the corridors and the tower.

I think the tower deserves it’s own thread, so please feel free to add all your best, or unusual tower pics to this thread. Or if you had any interesting experiences with the tower!

I’m having trouble finding out statistics on the tower i.e. exact heights, volumes of water that could be stored, pressures etc. If anyone has any info on this I’d be grateful if you could add it to this thread.

Here’s my two cents:
Seen from inside, it looms over the hospital


Watery basement

Cool Circular window (Thanks to Drypulse for the photo)





The tanks



Looking over the edge

View showing the vastness of the hospital. I’m sure someone must have done a decent panorama of this?

Admin building

That’s it. I look forward to everyone adding their info / experiences! :mrgreen:
great shots. the photo i took of you was the only decent one that came out sadly.

my first visit to the watertower last weekend, and i really was impressed. klempner69 and i had an interesting conversation about the pipework, so hopefully he may tell you all more about it. what struck me as odd though was right near the top in the middle of the walkway was a massive pipe that you had to scramble over, yet there was no attempt to make it easy, why did it have to be there in the first place?
ive got a couple for you mate hope you dont mind:)

this is in the bottom of the tower couldnt get much nearer as it was full of water.


this is one of my fave shots of the tower

i had a pic some where of 3 gauges each showing 30,000 gallons
i think that was from the tower but im not sure.

it was one of the highlights for me going up the tower
Great pics dude, most people go to Severalls for the tower, the corridor, or the mortuary. I’m sure a shrink could probably analyse someone from their preference. Love the pic of the machinery at the bottom, I think I can procure a pic of that tonight when it was shiny and new!
Great spin-off thread Urb.....Yeah,for me the tower was the mutts nuts,I traced the pipework out(saddo)..The big 10 inch cast pipes were cold water storage..IE stored water held in the biggest galvanised tank.This water ran to most toilets/cold basin/bath taps/sluices ..if all wc`s/basins/bath/sluices were to be supplied by mains cold water, in the event of a break in the supply from a burst/break outside the hospital then all toilets/bathrooms would cease to work almost straight away..hence where stored water was used,in the event of a problem,the rooms/wc`s would be usable for several hours whilst the burst mains pipe was being repaired....also this tank supplied cold water to the hot water calorifer(stored hot water) that ran to the hot taps....
Oh and the smaller brown stained tank that was on the next floor in the tower was for the heating system...Sorry if this is baffling,but Drypulse asked!..the reason the large pipes came out of the side of the tank was usually to stop sediment being allowed to run into the supply to the wc`s etc..if the connection came off the bottom of the tank,then all sludge/debris/insects/dead birds etc would easily run into the system creating disease and blockages.........Phew.,here endeth the plumbing lesson for today!
This pic shows what I believe are the combined cold water storage tank overflow pipes

On the right is the shut-off valve to the wc`s/bathrooms etc..note the wheel head missing,in case someone turned it off accidently

Heating header tank

Zoom in..the markers say CWS...ok class,what does that stand for?

These signs indicate thousands!

And finally...No I dont know what this did,we got seen by security whilst taking this.

Sorry if this is mindnumbingly confusing,but this tower and its design is majestic to me,all I needed to see really.
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Lovely pics and a great thread with some smahing stories.

My story is this:

Access with rucksack on my back and camera/tripod in hand follwed by trip to the top in under 90 seconds in complete silence !!
My Fenix T1 is in the water somewhere :(
Was the water pumped into the tanks, or was the mains pressure enough to get it to the top of the tower?
I would guess it was pumped as I saw no giant ballvalve in the Large tank,however time was of the essence and I used all mine up taking pics,whilst looking at the pipe layouts on the way down...Imagine a ballvalve that satisfied a tank this size...I fitted an inch and a half one recently that fed a tank about 12 feet long by 6 wide and 4 feet cost 98 quid,and a 10 inch copper float was 50 quid.


never been up it myself owing to rampant claustrophobia. am due one last trip before the old girl goes tho, so never say never....
You two just want to meet that blonde police woman again! :)

Nice pics Surl & RA btw!
has anyone else noticed that all the pics are taken on sunny days!!
really need to go back and see the rest!
is anyone down that way at easter time?
dude im thinking in the next few weekends if we set off a decent time and go the shorter route, rember we left at 11 and went a long long way round :lol:




