Permanite Asphalt, Matlock, Derbyshire, October 2018

Derelict Places

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1. The History
Permanite Asphalt was incorporated in 1989 and later became known as Ruberoid (part of the IKO Group). According to Companies House, they were dissolved on 2nd September 2016. Located just outside Matlock, the plant made asphalt flooring blocks which were mainly used to waterproof the floors of new buildings.

The plant took powdered limestone from several of the local quarries and mixed it with hot bitumen emulsion that was brought down from the refineries of Ellesmere port, this being a bi-product of the fuel oil-refining process. The mixed tar and limestone solution was poured into metal moulds on the floor of the big shed and allowed to solidify, then the back-breaking process of manually separating and stacking the cooled blocks could begin.

During the late 80's part of the process was mechanised when Permanite spent a lot of money on a shiny new plant that would replace the labourers, but kept breaking down. The site was regulated by the local Derbyshire Dales District Council on the condition that the heating of tar or bitumen is regulated under section 6.3 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations.

Originally, the site was part of the larger Cawdor Quarry complex. It is suggested that the factory closed sometime around 2009.

2. The Explore
This was a back up as the nearby explore at Tansley Wood mills failed due to what appeared to be on site security (we came across a guard dog who started barking at us!) This place was a much easier prospect. A park-close-by and walk straight in job. It is pretty trashed and there isn’t much left. That said there’s some interesting industrial remnants from the asphalt floor block making process and a fine array of graff. So good for a relaxed hour or so wander.

3. The Pictures
Nice to be greeted by this lovely Coloquix piece:

45135472012_d4b723240b_b.jpgimg9863 by HughieDW, on Flickr

44273547165_3ae4803921_b.jpgimg9864 by HughieDW, on Flickr

44273493485_fb9d4c61a1_b.jpgimg9866 by HughieDW, on Flickr

43370255160_b285d36204_b.jpgimg9868 by HughieDW, on Flickr

44273355985_4699d31c33_b.jpgimg9869 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45184401551_09b03f92c9_b.jpgimg9870 by HughieDW, on Flickr

The main tower:

43370096640_b283024da7_b.jpgimg9871 by HughieDW, on Flickr

The old admin block burnt down:

45137322232_e328a3f040_b.jpgimg9872 by HughieDW, on Flickr

More admin blocks round the back:

43372348450_059f70bfd8_b.jpgimg9877 by HughieDW, on Flickr

31312166988_d0e17ee4b7_b.jpgimg9878 by HughieDW, on Flickr

Obligatory penis graff:

45137065882_53c3c3caaa_b.jpgimg9883 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45186047011_9461c5194a_b.jpgimg9886 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45136940232_3dbdc6e426_b.jpgimg9887 by HughieDW, on Flickr

Inside the main hall (note speed boat bottom left!)

44275185755_31c2f5a6c9_b.jpgimg9889 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45185944971_ce33f5a144_b.jpgimg9890 by HughieDW, on Flickr

30247466217_107c70d7d8_b.jpgimg9891 by HughieDW, on Flickr

31313552638_8e6aed8569_b.jpgimg9894 by HughieDW, on Flickr

And on to the other large hall:

44276969635_0d9892783d_b.jpgimg9895 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45187671161_1945d9d87f_b.jpgimg9897 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45138684762_b55846348f_b.jpgimg9899 by HughieDW, on Flickr

30248995927_f4fcfa0928_b.jpgimg9902bw by HughieDW, on Flickr

44465363174_ccd8ab50c7_b.jpgimg9904 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45187485051_ee576b63b4_b.jpgimg9905 by HughieDW, on Flickr

Finally, up the tower:

31313273338_0d882308dc_b.jpgimg9910 by HughieDW, on Flickr

30248871337_fe7bcd0bd7_b.jpgimg9911 by HughieDW, on Flickr

44276552725_2b93e41f52_b.jpgimg9912 by HughieDW, on Flickr
31313173498_7b24152179_b.jpgimg9915 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45187236891_436f112ece_b.jpgimg9917 by HughieDW, on Flickr

43373474210_1d54b08764_b.jpgimg9918 by HughieDW, on Flickr

45137994982_298410ac04_b.jpgimg9924 by HughieDW, on Flickr
Great shots Hugie. Were you tempted by that iron ladder, leading onto the dome shaped roof at any point? :D
Some nice, and some awful graf there! Beautiful photos throughout tho! Thanks for sharing!
I quite enjoyed my few visits here.the first one we cleared off after some yobs were throwing bricks about.i like the graffiti here for sure.great set of shots matey