Fisons Fertiliser - Oct 19

Derelict Places

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Jun 7, 2014
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I dont think there has been a post fire report so here goes.

Now rather embarrassingly I had no idea we were at Fison's, it was just somewhere a mate noticed while we were in the area & thought we would pop in.

Even looking at the helta skelta shoot it didnt dawn on me till a bit of post research gave me the answer.

So taking it for what it was too us (a large burnt out ind site) this actually made some decent snaps despite being a bit overcast.

If you have been living in a cave (like me) for the last year you may of missed the fact that the "listed" building was razed to the ground in May this year which some find a bit over coincidental.

Im suprised the travellers havent striped this place, there is Tonnes f steel just laying there for the taking!

I wont do the history as its been done numerous times, but its all here















It's interesting with stuff stripped back I agree. The rust is something I love in photos too. Definitely worth the calling by to see.
Ferrous metal prices are rubbish. They fluctuate - if you see scrap vans on the residential streets collecting you can be sure that the price is higher that day! I expect it's not worth their effort/fuel hauling the stuff to a scrap yard. Mind you, I spotted some cast iron pieces and that'll bring in slightly more for them.

Many years age Grove Rake mine (Upper Weardale) had a large head frame and a smaller one. When the mine closed some scrap folk arrived with a flat bed lorry and a gas axe. They literally felled the smaller head frame onto the flat bed lorry and drove off. Gamekeepers had seen them and called police. They were caught further down the valley. They do have the nerve sometimes!
It's interesting with stuff stripped back I agree. The rust is something I love in photos too. Definitely worth the calling by to see.
Ferrous metal prices are rubbish. They fluctuate - if you see scrap vans on the residential streets collecting you can be sure that the price is higher that day! I expect it's not worth their effort/fuel hauling the stuff to a scrap yard. Mind you, I spotted some cast iron pieces and that'll bring in slightly more for them.

Many years age Grove Rake mine (Upper Weardale) had a large head frame and a smaller one. When the mine closed some scrap folk arrived with a flat bed lorry and a gas axe. They literally felled the smaller head frame onto the flat bed lorry and drove off. Gamekeepers had seen them and called police. They were caught further down the valley. They do have the nerve sometimes!

Mmm didnt stop em taking about 15T out of our old yard!
We had filled one 40yd skip & a lot of other stuff laying around, they broke in & spent 2 days clearing the whole place.
They told the local residents they were contracted to clear it out so no one questioned em cheeky bastards!
We are getting about £180 a ton at the mo.

& yes there is loads of cast columns there which may be of interest to a reclaim specalist too.