Warner's Holiday Camp

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Jan 13, 2007
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East Devon's Jurassic Park!
On 5th Jan I went on a recce to look at a recently closed building. Walking around to the rear I noticed a load of derelict chalets behind a fence. Realising that this was the former Warner's Holiday camp (subsequently sold & redeveloped into the Lyme Bay Holiday Village), I was intrigued as to why there were derelict chalets there.


Access is doable through part of the fence but I didn't feel up to scrambling through it right then, so I took some pics over the fence and walked further along the road to where there was a locked gate. I peered through and was surprised to find some of the old main buildings still there. I took some more photos through the gate (all the pics are in the Gallery).


Further down the road was the entrance to the new Lyme Bay site, so I went in to have a nose, and saw that there was a wall separating the new part from the old. Just then a guy came out of reception and asked if he could help me. I explained that I'm interested in taking photos of old & derelict buildings and that I hadn't realised before that half of the site had been abandoned.

He told me that when the site had been sold off, some 6 years ago, the original owners had kept half of it for redevelopment, which they never pursued, and that the local fire service have been using some of the chalets for fire practice.

I decided to play the 'upright citizen' (Ha!) and asked if it was possible to gain permission to go in and take photos. He told me the owners aren't local and if there's a way in I should just do it. So, a week later I clambered through the fence. :D

The chalets are arranged in a circle on quite a large piece of land, put there by the fire chappies by the look of it, as well as an old car. Some of them had certainly been burnt out, but not recently, as there are plenty of weeds and ivy growing all over them. I spent some time taking photos, the best of which I'll post in the Gallery as once d&p'd. Between the chalets are huge impenetrable clumps of brambles, so no easy way to get to the main buildings, but there appears to be an opening at the far end of the field. It'll be quite a trek, so I decided to leave that for another visit. Also, after spending some time there I found it had quite a depressing atmosphere.


After some research I recently found out that the site is in an area due for development, so will keep you posted with updates.

Flash earth link
Went again today & spent a good 2 hours mooching about. I took my son with me as back-up (looks like a biker, but isn't, with leather, beard & long hair down to his bum), and I'm glad I did as the site is huge & a bit scary in places. We didn't go inside the building itself but it is doable. Took loads of pics, inc some through the windows. Inside is completely trashed (in fact we heard the sound of breaking glass from inside although didn't see anyone).



Managed to get all around the main building & I saw a hole in a tall fence towards the rear. I peered through & was actually quite shocked to see an expanse of bright blue water - we'd found the swimming pool! :lol:


Further along, the fence was down (this was accessed through loads of undergrowth) and there was a lowish wall, around 3 & a half foot high, from where I could take more photos. It was obvious then that that's where kids had got in, as a door to the rear of the building by the pool was open. We didn't attempt it, however.


Loads more chalets in varying degrees of dilapidation, plus concrete beds where caravans once stood (a sign showed numbering up to 415 - it's a massive site!), with utility points, a derelict electric sub-station overgrown with ivy, some cute little huts with pointy roofs, and here & there amongst the copious willow trees were large reels of fire hoses on stands. Really amazing site.




More photos in the gallery.

I'm pretty sure it won't be before the hol season, if at all this year, but I'll keep you posted. Pebble beach, I'm afraid, with occassional patches of sand. If you're thinking of coming pm me & we can arrange to meet if you'd like. Also I'll pm you with tourist info, re places to stay, etc, & details of explore sites. It's a small town anyway, & everything's within walking distance.
Just found these www.eastdevon.net/tourism/seaton
Foxy :)
Simon-G;10415; said:
Is the old site off harbour road, been trying to flash flashearth it but cant see it. Would love to visit it but chances are by the time I got there from glasgow it would be demolished:

Hi Simon
Yes it is. I had difficulty myself until I realised how big the place is plus the fact that the map's out of date.
If you look at Harbour Road, to the left of which is Haven Road, between those two points is a huge tract of land covered in silver-coloured oblong shapes. Those were the caravans (now taken away) & chalets (which remain). To the left of those you can see the circle of burnt-out & very derelict chalets. To the right is the main building with the swimming pool behind it. To the right of that are two larger white buildings which is the new holiday village.
Hope that helps. Oh, and if you're interested in Racals factory, that's just down the road next to the river; it's the two long buildings parallel to the river bank.
Yes, it is rather a long way to come, but I'm sure nothing's going to happen to any of it at least until the holiday season's over, as it's all still in the project/planning & protesting stage yet. :D
Foxy :)
On 10/4/07 I decided to make a further visit to the campsite for more pics. Since my first visit in early January there has been a lot more damage and dilapidation and it was interesting to see the differences.
The main building is a lot tattier, there has been more vandalism with stuff dragged out and some windows have been smashed from the inside.
The 'circle' chalets have been heavily trashed and one chalet's front wall has collapsed with the roof pitched forward to the ground.
On the way out I saw a bingo ball on the ground and getting down to take a photo I put my knee on a bramble hidden by dried mud. I could swear that was the same fella that ambushed me the last time I was there! :D
Here are some pics. More in the Gallery.

Just as I was about to take this photo I saw someone inside the door, which made me jump, but it turned out to be the reflection of the clown. :rolleyes:





Foxy :)
A very interesting place indeed...we live in swindon and would like to visit.I presume its easy to find...havent been to Lyme Bay for years...good pics by the way:mrgreen:
Hi Foxy,

Just stumbled across your latest pics of this place -must have missed them when in hibernation!:eek:
No. 45 -so that's why me winning numbers haven't appeared then!!:mad: ;)
Nice round window feature too me thinks.
Thanks for the pics!:)

Foxylady;12047; said:
and getting down to take a photo I put my knee on a bramble hidden by dried mud. I could swear that was the same fella that ambushed me the last time I was there! :D

Oh yes, they can be crafty little fellas -was attacked my some of their mates last time I was at Severalls :cry:
Lightbuoy;12221; said:
Hi Foxy,

Just stumbled across your latest pics of this place -must have missed them when in hibernation!:eek:
No. 45 -so that's why me winning numbers haven't appeared then!!:mad: ;)
Nice round window feature too me thinks.
Thanks for the pics!:)


Cheers m'dear
Just had a look at the place when I was passing yesterday afternoon, and from the road could see a lot more damage to the roof. Don't know why, because there is access to the inside, unless it's just natural deterioration, but we're talking a little over a week here, which is odd.
That bramble needs a meeting with my secateurs, methinks!
Foxy :)
staffordshireranger;12248; said:
very very sad to see....imagine the fun and smiles it has seen..and now a shadow of it`s former self...

Did any one watch that ITV program on a year or so ago:question:, it was where they sent “modern families” to a 1950’s style holiday camp… any way two things: first it didn’t look that “fun” to me... activities included mass exorcise, getting up at seven (bearing in mind you’re on holiday), general lack of alcohol, etc, etc :eek::D. second thing, does any one know where it might have been filmed:question: as I am sure the camp was genuine 1940-50’s judging by design, and if its not in use it could be a fascinating location…

Great find foxy (thought I’d mention that now as I was not a member when you originally posted better late than never, great pictures). That’s certainly not the usual, is it still there? And what sort of state is it in?

:) :question: :)
King Al;12262; said:
Did any one watch that ITV program on a year or so ago:question:, it was where they sent “modern families” to a 1950’s style holiday camp… does any one know where it might have been filmed:

is it still there? And what sort of state is it in?

Yeah I saw that programme. Can't recall where it was, though.
This one has deteriorated a bit in the last few months but it's still there...just! :D
Foxy :)
This reply is dedicated to Foxylady who inspired us to pay a visit here today on a lovely sunny 75 degree sunday morn....we walked firstly into the active holiday village owned by Hollybush Hotels...there is a 6foot fence separating this site from the old Warners half of old....we walked right down to where the fence stops close to the electric tramway`s` line...oops...a gap in the hedge and we are in via some old luggage buggies tipped on their side...quick look round the bedding/linnen sheds and the we out in open ground ...on our way up to the main buildings we are intercepted by two guys in a car who were we think tipped off by the tram staff..to start one man tries the gruff approach..we always call the cops approach...hands up i explain why we are here and...no probs...carry on he says....many thanx and off we toddle.....
See the open door by the pool?so did I!

Inside bar area

The bar

Bar tariff

Inside Chalet

On our way out

For the rest of our pics click below...
Well done, Chelle. I'm so pleased someone else has visited. It's really nice to see some inside pics, too. I've had a disability for a long time, and although I'm almost better now, climbing is still difficult, so I couldn't make it over the wall. I think I'm inspired to give it a go, now. :D
Foxy :)
Ok, I’m hooked, great pictures Celle they have tipped me over the edge I gota see this place if someone could help me out via PM it would be appreciated:)


King Al
Okay, so this is my last lot of pics, before getting busted today! :eek: A couple more in the Gallery.

This chalet is next to the one that did a nose-dive to the ground, and looks as if it's going the same way.

This was supplied by a local cleaning firm and was part of the laundry, but I don't know what it did.

Laundry ceiling.

Some rather nice spider web cracks in a glass door.

Me on my last visit.

Foxy :)
Thanks for the pictures foxy, I’m sure this can’t be the last we hear of Warner’s:(, although think that chalet might be a little bit beyond renovation:)
Some more interesting photos. Sorry to hear about getting caught -was it Security, the Police, or your favourite -Alsations?!!;)
Were they okay and just gave you a warning?
