George Hotel - Sep 18

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Dec 23, 2017
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Luckily we remembered this one when we were visiting through Huddersfield and lucky my friend wore his 'urbex' clothes because his hoodie got absolutely shredded.

George Hotel

In a circa-1850s Victorian building across the street from Huddersfield train station, the George hotel in Huddersfield is a Grade II listed building. The 60 bed hotel was built in 1851 and closed in January 2013. This hotel is a 3 star rated hotel and was designed by William Walker.

Access to this one was rather tricky and as I said, we lost a solid hoodie during this explore, yet, we still think it was worth it. There is a lot to see but it is mainly concentrated in one part of the structure as all of the rooms have been stripped of anything interesting, except the wallpaper in some.

Exterior, many walk past every day with no idea that it lies abandoned. There is little to express this except a few warning signs on the main entrance door.


Inside we were immediately confronted by many empty spaces so we wondered whether the building had been stripped since it was last explored. However, as we moved further towards the front side, we were happy we were wrong.




Not the exact same room but you get the idea




Ballroom/Dining room





Lobby and reception




Here you can check out my documentary styled video on this site (if you desire!) It covers the hotel's past, present and future through cinematics and narration:

Thanks for reading :)
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A lovely big building. I'm amazed you managed to get in given it was broad daylight and so public.

The lobby / foyer area is Fawlty Towers!!

I think my favourite place in there has to be the kitchens. I dunno - might be the shape of the room or perhaps how the window illuminates it. Definitely caught my eye that part.

A very interesting location. Thanks for sharing.
Such a lovely building, looks like you had a good explore and came away with some great pics! I partially severed my archilles tendon on a broken window failing to get in here at the beginning of the year, limp has literally only just gone ffs, hope that makes you feel a bit better for loosing your hoodie:triumphant:
Oh wow yeah it definitely does, I know from football anything on the Achilles absolutely kills. Glad you're alright
Reminds me a lot of the Britannia Adelphi in Liverpool. Those flame glass lights on pedestals are very similar to those used in the Britannias lobby. Great shots.