The Stilt Hall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 2015

Derelict Places

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People's Republic of South Yorkshire.
Last time I visited KL just under a year ago with work I had a bit of time on my hands so I got around a few places. This time time was tighter and things have moved on fast in the Malaysian Capital. One house I'd noticed that time and was on my list to visit had been demo'ed and building work was moving on at a pace at a number of places. Even the gateway to Pudu Prison had been done-up and incorporated into a new development.

So this was my only explore. I stumbled upon this place having been up to the aviary in the Lake Gardens area. It was just next to the road and clearly had been abandoned for some time. No history on the place at all and not even clear what its previous use may have been. Any how here's the pictures.

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24606954956_8d934ae328_b.jpgimg3456 by HughieDW, on Flickr
You must have a really cool job HughieD! You get to travel to all these lovely places :) fantastic find and photos.
Cheers folks. Tracked it down on Google Maps and still can't find any info on this place.

You must have a really cool job HughieD! You get to travel to all these lovely places :) fantastic find and photos.

Thank you Rubex. Ha ha...well - it has it's moments so you have to embrace them!

You get about!
Wonderfully different, thanks for sharing:)

Cheers UrbanX. Tis a bit innit?
A very nice building, you can see how the colonial style is very similar from Malaysia to Trinidad