Old farm-house, near Marcorignan, France, March 2016

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So here’s report 5 from the south of France. Came across this place towards the end of mes vacances while driving between Montredon-des-Corbières and Marcorignan. Saw the graff on the side of the house as we flashed past it and checked it out on Google Earth when we got home. It confirmed to me it was abandoned so went back the next day. Can’t find any info on the place at all. It was a farm and presumably the parents died, the spouses didn’t want to live there, tried to sell it and couldn’t and it fell into disuse (a common theme here in France).

Nice easy early morning explore this. Parked up and walked down the road to the place. One thing that had changed since the Google car had been round is the doorway had been totally breeze-blocked up! No matter, round the back we went and we were in. Inside the house it was totally empty and not that photogenic to be honest. However the out-houses and farm buildings provided some interest. Here’s the pics.

OK, not going in via the front!

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Round the back we go:

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What a lovely morning and that is VERY red:

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That Renault tractor isn’t going anywhere:

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And it’s Thomas, but not as we know it:

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A quick peek in one of the outbuildings:

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A few bits and bobs knocking around:

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The back-building has some interesting stuff in it:

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Nice tiles!

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This looks like some sort of ‘press’, for pressing grapes maybe?

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Obligatory hanging basket shot:

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So on into the house itself. Not too much to report as mentioned earlier:

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Though these tiles in the kitchen have a bit of character:

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The bath tried to leave but failed:

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OK, so back out we go…

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…and away. Time for a post-explore sit down?

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Thanks for looking.
You've certainly had a great continental holiday and shared some belting reports this one included.Think your right the press could be for grapes or maybe apples.

Cheers mate. Thank you. Was limited what I could do as it was a family holiday rather that specific urbex trip but it is amazing what you can find if you look carefully!
Nice photographs, Hughie. In image 4675 there is a door suspended by ropes, this is a swinging seat and it brought me back to when I made one for my mates' barn. This is a nice looking farm house. Worth a renovation.
Nice photographs, Hughie. In image 4675 there is a door suspended by ropes, this is a swinging seat and it brought me back to when I made one for my mates' barn. This is a nice looking farm house. Worth a renovation.

Cheers fellow Hugh. Well worth a renovation....there's a lot of properties in that bracket in France. This one isn't too far gone either.
Another great find, never seen anything like the kitchen tiles well not intact anyway.thanks
That's a nice little find. Google isn't all bad! :) A bit of history there with the tractor - Renault stopped making them years ago.
Very good hughie.some lovely bits in there.loving your french reports