Castello dell' Artista - Italy, July 2018

Derelict Places

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32406657587_9926ce88d6_b.jpgFaces Of The Past by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

It looks like this place would have been falling apart for ages already. But actually, this building complex was still inhabited in 2005. Together with The Proper People we were searching for a way inside. But there was a big problem: Everywhere there is dense undergrowth with stinging nettles. No, this wasn't a pleasant experience at first. But we knew that this old manor-house is worth all the trouble. The fast growing vegetation in Italy is like a natural protective shield that's keeping away intruders from abandoned buildings.

33472606408_f82c84108b_b.jpgCastello Dell‘ Artista #19 by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

This building is actually located in the middle of a small village somewhere in the North of Italy. The property, on which the palace is standing, was originally a present to a group of monks. But real quick the whole area got under control of a powerful aristocratic family. It was them who constructed this mansion between the 14th and 15th century. But to be honest, this resembles more of a castle than a traditional villa.

33472606898_2e4317e6b2_b.jpgFlat Tire by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

Over the course of the centuries this building complex remained in possession of the famous noble family. Generations of warlords spent many years of their lives here using the place as a hunting lodge. In the 17th century the castle-like villa was even expanded. The last resident however was an engineer and artist who lived here with his wife and several children. Today this can only be guessed but a few years ago there were way more pictures, art books and canvas stands. Unfortunately, thieves are stealing from the dead here consistently. Even a valuable telescope was already taken away. And what didn’t get swiped or destroyed, falls victim to decay.

33472608348_74fbf1c464_b.jpgCastello Dell‘ Artista #02 by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

But the whole structure is close to breaking down. The prominent tower is only held together by pillars and tension belts. Here in the former gatehouse the old chapel is located. Also this one is already in such a bad condition that it might cave in soon. Probably along with the whole tower.

32406655947_1875a4c7e9_b.jpgChapel by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

After the artist passed and the children moved away, the old lady was living all by herself in the big palace. She reached an age of far beyond 100 years before she eventually died. Why the heirs weren't dealing with the numerous left-behind items is a mystery to us.

33472607928_1a9551e597_b.jpgCastello Dell‘ Artista #05 by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

32406656887_5de63be7a8_b.jpgA Crack In Time by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

Today this impressive piece of architecture is left to rot. Although this 600-year-old palace is featuring an impressive history, there are no plans for saving the site. Due to the bad shape of the structure, any kind of re-use is highly unlikely. And so, nature is reclaiming the place more and more.

33472607488_555e135bcc_b.jpgCastello Dell‘ Artista #07 by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

For us personally this palace is so impressive that it already appears unreal. We're always surprised about the hidden and almost untouched time capsules we're able to discover on our adventures. Even when this place might collapse soon, it will never vanish. Thanks to all the urban explorers who are documenting this unique structure before decay is taking all of it.

32406657287_9c670d714b_b.jpgSplendid Glamour by Broken Window Theory, on Flickr

If you're thrilled to see more now, make sure to watch the documentary about this manor-house:

Unless one is really rich; the items that interest us and that we collect, are really just mundane items to the rest of the population - thus they are not very valuable and of no interest to our heirs. I have a large collection of antique books on architecture, which could have gained a bit in value over the years, but I did not collect them as an investment potential, just as an interesting hobby. I have made sure that that the volumes will end up in the hands of people who really want them, by having my Executors auction them off. My Estate thus possibly being richer by a few quid, might help the Grand Kids.