Turner Brothers. Jan 2013

Derelict Places

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That machine there is a dust collector btw incase anyone is wondering.
thanks for the info - how come you know so much about it all ?

there were a few of these in the one corridor...we didn't exactly linger in it.

We had been pondering a return but, much as part of me would quite like to, I think I shant push my luck .... probably
thanks for the info - how come you know so much about it all ?

Sometimes, just sometimes, it's better to be well informed rather than ignorant. That's how I know so much.

Been very interested in this stuff since I heard about the folks over at Spodden Valley in Rochdale. I hadn't really thought, (besides knowing the cancer causing element) about it much before. It is seriously an interesting subject the T&N empire.
so you just read up lots n lots ? yeah it is interesting and what they did and Cyril Smith's involvement .. Pedophile and aiding flouting of laws resulting in death ...nice one Cyril
But that would only account for the white stuff in the polythene bags. What about the other blue/grey looking stuff? It's certainly not Kevlar or glass fibres as that's not the way you make/process those thing.

It's a combination of oil soaked glass strand and grey polyester type thread, They were running old skool looms weaving glass strand with stainless wire as the weft for use in heat-sheilds. The extraction system was shared between this and the ballistics section which was making stab vests from pre-woven fabrics.


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