Big Butts, Rochdale, 07/08

Derelict Places

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Great pics as always guys-well done for being nosey & getting in there! :mrgreen: Some interesting features hidden away from view.
You must have been fortunate. Culverts are often local authorities favourite spots to locate CSOs where feasible, nicely underground and out of sight, stealthily polluting watercourses. I'm not complaining though, more stuff to explore.


Well mate we have a few more urban ones to do soon so we may come across some sewage, you never know. The culverts we have done so far have mainly been out of the urban zone where the rivers are a bit cleaner.
Beautifully lit photos once more ... liking the Guncrete/ Gunnite sprayed concrete columns a lot, and the grid of beams above them. :)
I believe that Rochdale has the widest bridge in britain it covers most of the town centre, A few years ago they dug up parts of the bridge surface to do repairs.

I found this info on the construction
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