The Party House Chaos Manor
Where to I begin with this one?
well I went here late January, having seen various posts across social media while I was in Wales, so a quick stop off on route with some others in mind, this was an early start, parking at the roadside I began to make my way down some sketchy lane, to finally find traces of what to follow, as I approached it looked beautiful in the distance, that was until I got close enough...WOW what a wreck but a beautiful one none the less. (heads up if anyone goes now, its boarded up, an you may get shot at)
Well what to say? sources say one thing, some state another, but lets go with it was owned by a rather wealthy or successful business man, who later lost it all with a family member refusing to leave after selling?!?! (good enough).
From what I have heard also is a prom took place here, before it was later "dubbed" Chaos manor by every teenager close to the area or further a field depends how far facebook/txts posts go, but I am sure loads of the towns youth know this place or of it anyway.
So a mansion fit for parties or a rave den? does not sound bad if that musics your taste, along with smashing everything in sight
After hearing and reading a few sources, this of course stays in your mind as you walk around, noticing the poor graffiti and smashed up decor, but beyond this is a rather beautiful mansion, with some lovely features to capture and witness, I fell in love with the staircase here and how it just appealed to the party vibe it had going, but now the staircase is crumbled, not that it matters you can use the smaller staircase to get around, but a shame its almost fit for fall in on itself much like it is now!
After exploring around the mansion, navigating holes, being shocked most of what you walked on was the floors above, climbing into sections to explore more of the mansion, it was rather hard to believe someone lived here up until late last year just dossing and drinking I guess.
After a few hours of walking about an taking photographs, I went outside into the rain and began to look at where the former owner held his computer business, safe to say it was wrecked and I couldn't be bothered to capture empty rooms and broken monitors now. I had other places to be anyway, its still a shame its like this but I cannot see it being restored before it falls down on its own, certainly a sandcastle mansion.
If you ignored the above, this place is boarded and you may get shot at trying to get close to it!
Chopped this one down to size many rooms had no floors and loads of stuff that you simply could not pinpoint, but anyway more coming soon, I will get through this backlog, think January 2017 is done now moving on slowly