OM Asylum : June 2013

Derelict Places

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Mars Lander

Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Sep 30, 2011
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Near Manchester
After our grand and ace adventures at Holby City / Serene which if you haven't seen is here >>>, Perjury Saint parted our company despite pleas for him to stay for more malarkey he had to go elsewhere and play hide n seek with another secca ;) and get a goods night sleep in a proper bed :D

Sshhhh.. , Luckypants, ProjectMayhem and I now rather tired from our mammoth stay awake stint , looked for somewhere to pitch our tents after all we were hundreds of miles from home and we had another site to visit. After few dead ends we found a fantastic meadow flanked by thick woods and retired with beers and a camp fire, as the sunset on our explore fuelled day.

A chance image on flickr , some enquiry and subsequently out of the blue, I received a rather detailed map of an old Victorian asylum I had never heard of (not that I am an expert or anything) , I googled for reports and found none, , intrigued but put off by the long distance it was shelved but now it wasn't too far from where are, we had to see....OM Asylum


The site isn't easy to explore , probably the reason for it being in not too bad condition , further caution is required, as always we have our cameras but this place also has its own :(

We were almost too late for this party as demo is underway and some buildings have gone, we are just in time to see what we saw .

This place is little league in terms of size compared to Severalls or the mammoth Whittingham and even smaller than Shelton, but I really liked it here, it's almost unchaved and structurally pretty sound.


Parts of the exterior are truly overgrown on a magnificent scale, resulting in some really nice light as it filters thru the thick ivy foliage and giving it emerald hues.


There are plenty of cells to contain former inmates, I wonder of those that could read, how many eyed this with frustration?


Despite its smaller size there are many many 'small holding rooms'


At the base of these stairs even more are revealed


This one was the finest example, not only a thick internal door with observation window, also a tough as nails door to the exterior for the loading in of, to minimise the breaking free in situ and running amok inside, note in the corner, a complete view weird looking mirror to ascertain for certain the location of the potential powder keg of sudden angst.


I wonder what desperate and enraged scenes this mirror could recollect...


Further in, this curious room , lit by the natural light thru orange skylights? is this strange colouration thru age deterioration or is it just orange to go with the lemons.


and dead things, I am repulsed but mesmerised by such things


but capture them I must.


Not sure how many previous explorers have been here, but there was definite evidence of ancient timelords


Back to the strangeness of the idea behind the orange skylight room , we are presented in the darkness by this artwork depicting a lone pondering bridge crosser , to his immediate left we see an outlandish brightly coloured tree, the colour of which is like no other in the picture , or is it an unearthly visitor? Perhaps all these little details scattered about, are not innocent and random but purposefully posed and positioned to keep the fragile in a state of perpetual self doubt or it could just be a tree.


Most things are gone but its good to see evidence of the former purpose of this place , well any interesting artefact really, these bin bagged and all over the place ECG scans and patient notes were a good find, well rummaged out ProjectMayhem :)


a rather grand artefact indeed....


note the undisturbed state it is in, a quick attempt at Scott Joplin's The Entertainer reveals a severely out of tune condition in the piano, a good musical ear in Projectmayhem at my prowess on the ivories and a only ever so slightly displeased Sshhh... who fears that my impromptu musical performance my invoke unwanted attentions.

Note that under the long gone ivory key coverings are the old school manufacturers key notes, to identify the positioning of the individually made keys and not marked out for beginners tuition, as in a place like this, especially with all the background ambience that would be an unbearable scenario I would envisage.


of all the places to find such a rustic gem is in the confines of this rather splendid kitchen garden?


We've explored our energy levels to the max the weekend we did this , marinating on our thoughts and experiences we contemplate our soon to be clim(b)atic exit.


Thanks for looking and please note that tongues were firmly in cheeks in the production of this report! :D
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SHIT!! I missed out on this one eh shag... And all for a delicious pizza?! :)
Top notch as ever kiiiiiiid!! Right... Wheres me ladder? :D
gutted, looks like i missed i damn fine looney bin, the cell with the mirror and a top crew shot and piano, gotta go i feel sick... :arghh: