Anyone shoot 35mm?

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Aug 23, 2010
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This might get moved becuase I dont think photography threads are allowed but I also think this is relevant to urbex.

Does anyone here shoot 35mm? I've just acquired a 35mm Zorki 4k camera & was hoping some people would post up some pictures they've done on film? Has anyone tried lomography in derelict places?

Thanks! This is the camera with the book that my dad gave me, the camera even has the original case and holder with a strap to put it round your neck - no film counter or light meter though!


TL;DR : Please post any 35mm film pictures you've taken!
Please post any 35mm film pictures you've taken!
LOL! The thread would be thousands of pics long if I posted any done, because I only ever use a 35mm camera and all ny explores are taken with it. :mrgreen:
I thought I recognised your camera...I used to have a Zorki. If I remember right, it isn't a 'through the lens' camera, which is a bit of a sod to use as you need a separate light meter and have to guestimate focussing. Mine's a Minolta SRT 101, which is about 40 yrs old and still going strong. Hope you enjoy your Zorki, Zotez...great fun to use. :)
I love it already & i dont even know what sort of pictures it takes! Yeah it doesnt have a light meter which is a pain but I suppose i'll have to either learn the rules or get a light meter. I will take a look for some of your reports. :mrgreen:
its a range finder there is loads of info on the web on the correct way to use that cam also poundland has film for cheap



I took these bloody ages ago, I should break out the old Zenit some more.
Shame I'm so lazy and impatient. Old manual cameras are hard work, even with a working light meter.
35mm photography...

I love it already & i dont even know what sort of pictures it takes! Yeah it doesnt have a light meter which is a pain but I suppose i'll have to either learn the rules or get a light meter. I will take a look for some of your reports. :mrgreen:

I would suggest finding a nice book on photography - perhaps from a second-hand bookshop. You'll probably find loads of info on the net, too...

You definitely have a camera worth keeping, there. I switched to digital photography in 2003, but will never part with my 35mm photographic equipment - including an Exa (Zeiss) SLR from about the late 50's or early 60's...and a bag-full of lenses for my Pentax! :)
I've got a Canon T70, telephoto and wide angle lenses as well as the standard one that I don't think I could part with - I've also got the Chinon CM4-S that was my first SLR (bought brand new at Dixons)

There is something deeply satisfying about a mechanical shutter:) and I love the optics.

Not had a go of a DSLR (wife, kids, mortgage and a penchant for old cars have seen to that) - I'm scared that the optics will be as good and I have to sell a child:)
I generally use a digital 5mp compact for most explores these days along with a Pyramid telescopic mini tripod. I find it a good compromise and it fits in my backpack without being cumbersome. Back in the day though I used an OM10 set with manual adapter for which I need a Sherpa.


Foxy probably takes the most consistent 35mm shots I've seen so far and with ease it seems. :)
I still have a Minolta X700 and another one which I cant remember the model number of. I found a film in the X700 which has probably been in there for 20 years which I am going to get developed.

I took 1000's of aviation shots in the 80 - 90's the results of some of these can be seen here -
I only use 35mm, I've got a Minolta 9000. All of the photos on my Flickr set here are 35mm:

I usually use slide film and then scan the strips with a Canoscan 4000US.

To be honest, I would be using a DSLR but I just can't afford one that would give me all of the features I want. It's just a cost & convenience thing - I think the biggest advantage of a DSLR over film for me would be the ability to shoot each frame at a different ISO rating.
i shoot 35mm, here's a link to my film set on Flickr
Those are gorgeous, Russ. I love the colours and the way you've mixed them together in the thumbnail set. Was it a Kodak film, btw? I once used some almost out-of-date Kodak and the results were similar...fairly pastel, like seaside colours, if that makes sense. lol I wish I could get hold of more as the effect was quite stunning. :)
i will upload some of mine soon as ive just bought a scanner :)

im using a nikon F55 basically the film version of a nikon D50 so it uses all my current digital lens' apart from the crop factor is a little OTT fish eye with a 10-20 sigma :lol:
i use a Canon AE-1P, but i've recently got a Kodak Retinette IIB, which is a new world for me (completely manual).
I recently bought a few film cameras and have never looked back. So much cheaper and i think the results are better. Heres a few of mine from christmas time.

Lomo photography imo is a load of bollocks, i use out of date film all the time because its cheaper, and i can tell you ive never got anything that looks like the lomo.

These were shot on a film that expired in 2004....

On a Canon EOS 300

Ive also got a Pentax ME Super which currently has a roll of HP5 in and i have a Canon AE 1 with an XP2 in. Looking forward to the results and im gonna develop the HP5 myself in my bathroom haha.


Straight from the North Pole...


Alone at Thornaby Train Station...


York, dusted with snow...


York Minster


York Station


The Shambles


My cat Elwood...


My Bedroom on a tidy day
I love 35MM here are some i shot on an old zenit



not brilliant but it was the 1st roll id shot since i was 15 or so !!
ive now got a Canon AE1 program so expect some more :)
Thanks a lot for the replies some fantastic photos and machinery! I think a lot of the crazy colours are from cross processing?
If I had a scanner, I'd use my 35mm alot more. always love using it
I've got a 35mm SLR kit which I've had for the best part of 23 years, Miranda body, 28mm wide angle, 70-200 zoom and a nice 50mm prime - all still fully functional as well. But can't afford the bloody film!!! So frustrating.

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