Castor ROC Post - Northamptonshire Group - July 2010

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Jun 8, 2010
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Explored with Winch It In

Site: Castor ROC Post - Northamptonshire Group - July 2010

Opened - February 1962
Closed - October 1968

Explored as part of an 8 ROC Posts in one day tour we visited Castor ROC Post, location of a well publicised suicide by a local farmer some years ago who hanged himself in the access shaft. Perhaps this has put off the chavs as the post is in no worse condition that when Sub Brit visited back in 1997, apart from the fact that the compound is now totally overgrown and it took us several laps of the site to locate the hatch and crawl on our hands and knees through the undergrowth.

Good deed of the day was rescuing a sick looking toad that probably fell down the severed at ground level FSM tube and bringing it back to the surface.

Also present at this site is a great example of an Aicraft Observation Post, originally this would have had a canvas cover on top and some steps.

I was experimenting with camera settings (epic fail on most which got deleted :rolleyes:) so apologies for the quality on some shots.















Not bad for a 68'er. When was the suicide? Recent? I would not step foot in that post because of that. Top marks for rescuing the toad.
I have one an i dont know what it should look like or what should be in it. At the min its got a load of old doors and being used as a chicken coop :neutral:

If you send us a pic of it so I know what type it is, i'll try and tell you what it should look like and what would be in it!

Our aircraft post is just like the one pictured, but its been smashed up really bad!

I meant to txt you....that's what yours should look like!!! a cut down telegraph pole and some steps....I'll email you the scan I was talking to you about as soon as I get 5 mins.

Ahh thought so when I saw the pics, thanks mate

From Subbrit. It has a wooden door. And some sort of bed thing at the back which has chickens in atm.
Ah yeah if I remember correctly therese ones have one room with bunks and stove in, and another where the instrument would be placed.
It was in the mid 90's
I’m from the area and have asked around - no one local recalls any farmer suicide here, and it’s a place many locals know well as a place they played in as kids. On the opposite side of the road from this site is Salters Tree - which has over many centuries been associated with hangings.

It could be that stories from both sites are being combined here, as they are maybe 80 metres apart (shown in photo - ROC is in copse top-left, Salter’s tree is the 2 trees above the word ‘Castor’
I’m from the area and have asked around - no one local recalls any farmer suicide here, and it’s a place many locals know well as a place they played in as kids. On the opposite side of the road from this site is Salters Tree - which has over many centuries been associated with hangings. View attachment 530499
It could be that stories from both sites are being combined here, as they are maybe 80 metres apart (shown in photo - ROC is in copse top-left, Salter’s tree is the 2 trees above the word ‘Castor’

It was a long time ago when we did this, will see if i can unearth any more might well be right.....Urban/Rural Myths and all that...
I should prob be pedantic & point out this is not in Northamptonshire :p

Yes, fully aware of that.

Check the original Cluster Map and in many areas there is overspill into adjacent counties (posts were named by the Sector/Group location).

From memory the other two posts in this Cluster are in fact in Northants and ultimately all of those came under Bedford Group which covered London right up to Market Deeping.

Loads of info here -

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