Clipstone Colliery on 35mm - December 2012

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Nov 29, 2012
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Clipstone Colliery

December 2012 I had a wander around Clipstone on a solo visit, bumping into pikes and having to rush off just as the good light arrived!

I took a set my DSLR and banged three rolls of Ilford HP5 400 through my Canon A1 35mm as well.

I didn't get the film developed as half of my digital shots were blurry due to lack of tripod on the day despite taking them at ISO 3200 so I assumed the 35mm would be worse at just 400, also I was swapping from one camera to the other taking similar shots so thought it would all be a bit samey.

Any road out.... if you didn't know, Clipstone has had wan beeeelion dollars just spent on security for some unfathomable reason and is now pretty much impenetrable so with no chance of a return visit I got my film developed end of last week... 27 out of 98 shots were useable and quite a few bits I hadn't realised I hadn't taken with the DSLR so here we go... Clipstone is lovely and as a local I'm sad I probably won't get to have a mooch around inside again......

Ta for looking

Looking up from inside the winder house through the hole in the roof where the cable from the headstocks came in

Agree with all the above, nicely shot. Spending a fortune on security now? Stable door horse bolted etc.
Thanks all....

The ramp up of security is unbelievable... 14ft high mesh electric fences powered by a geny the size of a shipping container, PIR, monitored cctv, floodligting, razor wire... we didn't even get half way across the field when it lit up like a football pitch, alarm went off, cameras turned on us and some woman started ranting out a tannoy that she was monitoring us on camera and police had been called... I can only assume they have found a seem of gold lol.... demented!
The ramp up of security is unbelievable... 14ft high mesh electric fences powered by a geny the size of a shipping container, PIR, monitored cctv, floodligting, razor wire... we didn't even get half way across the field when it lit up like a football pitch, alarm went off, cameras turned on us and some woman started ranting out a tannoy that she was monitoring us on camera and police had been called... I can only assume they have found a seem of gold lol.... demented!

I can only think that the Coal Authority are getting paranoid about liability in case somebody chucks themselves off the top of a headstock? Mind you I can think of other sites which the CA still own which are fairly easy to access and from which you could also do yourself mischief…