CMH, November 2014

Derelict Places

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Feb 19, 2009
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So its nice to get into another derp, been a while since I've done a nice, exciting big derp and this is one I have considered doing for a while.

Visited on a miserable November morning with MrDan

We started off with the maternity unit which has been disused since 1998 and it certainly shows! Although much to our suprise and for reasons unknown, the electricity is on in this very dilapidated part of the site.

We spent a good few hours photographing this part of the hospital before moving on to the X-ray wards which closed in 2009. The power was recently on in here, with reports of their being juice to the X-Ray Machines! On this occasion the power was off, which can only be a good thing really as someone who doesn't know what they are doing could hurt someone.

We spent a good 7-8 hours in here and progressed onto the main hospital part but found secca sealing it on the inside so decided to call it a day as the night was drawing in anyway.

The Cambridge Military Hospital opened in 1879 and was to play a vital role in The First World War as being the first base to receive casualties from The Western Front.

The first case of plastic surgery in the British Empire was performed here; at the CMH; Captain Gillies (later known as Sir Harold Gillies), met Hippolyte Morestin, while on leave in Paris in 1915. During this time he was reconstructing faces in the Val-de-Grace Hospital in Paris. He was soon to fall in love with the work, and at the end of 1915 he came back from France to start a Plastic Unit in the CMH.

When the Second World War was over, the importance of Britain's military commitments declined and civilians were admitted to the hospital. The Maternity wing closed in around 1996-98.

Other sections of the hospital remained open as Frimley Park Hospital which was an NHS civilian hospital which closed sometime in 2009.





The famous "Bleeding Doors" which were done this way for a film apparently.














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I loved this place..never got to see the x ray machines though.
Nice pics and well done for getting round the whole place in one go...Secca is tight and its bloody massive!!

The famous bleeders where used for a film? Not heard that before, anyone know which film exactly?
Good stuff mate, glad you guys made it here :)

I almost impaled myself coming out of the x-ray department!
Fantastic mate. Glad to see you got both parts done! All I need to see now is the Morgue and the inside of the Clocktower. Some great pics here and I agree with you, this is an exciting explore due to the on site secca and the actually getting into the place.
Nice one, glad you got to see the whole of the place, and for the amazing photos too :)
for some reason, I wouldn't mind staying the night in that place. One thing though, in the xray log, two vasectomy patients. Didn't know they rayed for that!
Still makes me grit my teeth a bit thoug...the waste! Those X-ray machines left to rot there, and they are not that old. I've seen mri and cat scanners just abandoned. And they say they want to save money! I suppose it's too expensive to move them.