Fairmile in the Snow

Derelict Places

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night crawler

Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
North Berkshire.
Had a little walk up there to se what was going on with the place. Don't get too excited I did not go inside I'm too old to go jumping over the fencing ( I'd bring a spanner if I wanted to get in). Had a little chat with the guy's in the orange jackets who were wandering around at the time. Told them I was from the village. They admitted they did not stop the locals wandering round the grounds but did tell me the farm was now fenced off, some thing I knew any way. Pity really I wanted to go in a couple of the buildings but again I'm dammed if I'm jumping fences. BTW the old laundry is out of bound now as well.
To the photo's which was the forst tim I got to try out my new lens


Wide angle really works well here

The small building on the right is teh weigh bridge house


Over the doorway


The old Schuster boiler house. Wanted a closer look but the security was watching me

Cricket pavilion

Last the clock which I wanted to get. Long way round to get here now as they have fencing going down the road to the old accommodation block which was turned into wards.
More to see on Flickr. :)
Nice one there fella..do you know if the social club is still open?I spent a couple of hours drinking there 3 years back after a visit.
Nightcrawler............if you wanna go in then you know I'm virtually up the road from you............and I'm sure that as you have lived so near the place for some time you'd want to see it internally. Just PM me on here or flickr.........

I took some recently in the snow also as you well know there are also some from the interior.............couple from the front....


and one just inside the fence..............before going in :)


PS if you want these removed from your report, just let me know