More stuff from Monkton Farleigh

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Veteran Member
Feb 6, 2008
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Directly above the centre of the earth
After finding this pillbox the other day


I thought another wander was in order and I came up with this beauty.Not sure what you'd call it,it has embrasures like a pill box and yet it's on 2 levels and one embrasure looks out into a shallow concrete pit.The 2 levels are connected by a hole about foot square.The upper level is well cared for and has had a lick of paint recently and is swept out,although some tit has tagged it already whilst the lower level is a bit dank.Another curiosity was evidence of a toilet in the lower level which means that there must have been some seriously deep drains there this is evidenced by a small drain hole at the bottom of the steps leading to the lower level.anyway enough waffle,on with the pics.

position is
51-23-37-03 north
02-17-13-51 west
it is just visible on Google earth

1 first sighting

2 front view




6 steps down to upper level

7interiors of upper level

8 the square hole to lower level


10 embrasure pointing into shallow concrete pit outside

11 the pit.... any ideas?

12 the square hole connecting through to upper level

13 steps to lower level

14light fitting on steps

15 the lower level

16 the loo


18drain at bottom of lower level steps

whilst up at Farleigh I also took a few other pics the next three are of one of the bases for a pylon that supported the aerial ropeway that ran from the ammo dump down to Farleigh sidings and was in use till the tunnel was built and kept on standby afterwards in case of a breakdown in the tunnel.There are at least 8 of these bases left in a straight line




next up is another pillbox long range shot this time.I know the chap who has the small holding it's on but he wasn't in and I don't want to go upsetting his animals but will get this one another day

22 data base number EDOB 11868


a quick shot of main east building the reason the three pillboxes were built


and finally a then now shot of the coal yard that fed the boilers that raised the steam that the was used in the air conditioning plant in the ammo dump

25 then

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mmmm interesting find that mate, not knowing the area I would have to make a stab in the dark to its purpose but I'd say it must have been designed to be manned for long periods at a time probably as a communication hub with the upper portion conveying orders through the hole in the floor plus I'd say the embrasure to the small pit would have been where the communication cables would have run. This is only guess work mind
Very juicy! That two story affair is surprisingly similar to a certain non-standard BHQ that I visited with Newage and Fluffy a while back. Its obviously not a BHQ as there is not an airfield adjacent to it, but you do wonder if people in the MOD just borrowed each others designs for things! Still a great find - makes me want to have another day up there!!
Monkton Farley

I think that these storage areas had permanent garrisons, especially rearly in the war which may have meant the defences were of a different nature.

Have you read the chapter in 'Secret Underground Cities' by NJ McCamley on the mine?
I think that these storage areas had permanent garrisons, especially rearly in the war which may have meant the defences were of a different nature.

Have you read the chapter in 'Secret Underground Cities' by NJ McCamley on the mine?

Yup have read the book. from what I remember the small detachment of troops were in tents and were eventually replaced by the home guard. I do not know Nicks E mail address but am in contact with Derek Hawkins the old manager that helped run the mine as a museum back in the 80s.I've asked him if he knows what it is and if not to pass the request on to Nick and I guess if he don't know then no one will.
Yup have read the book. from what I remember the small detachment of troops were in tents and were eventually replaced by the home guard. I do not know Nicks E mail address but am in contact with Derek Hawkins the old manager that helped run the mine as a museum back in the 80s.I've asked him if he knows what it is and if not to pass the request on to Nick and I guess if he don't know then no one will.

A reply back from Derek states that the building was the defended control point for Monkton Farleigh and contained an underground emergency telephone exchange.This means that Godzy and Jonney win the prize for predicting the use of it.
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