NGTE over-nighter

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Gormless Moderator
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
South East
Visited 30th November and 1st December. Jaff and i headed over to NGTE last Friday and just as we arrived, the heavens opened. It was Jaffs first visit to the site and unfortunately the weather made it very hard before we had even got inside. By time we were in sight of the buildings I was soaked through and covered in mud.

We had both taken sleeping bags and intended to spend the night on site. Glad to be under shelter, i forcefully threw the bags down and got my camera out - except something was rattling, one of the flasks of tea had smashed! Disappointed we carried on into the 'Parsons' room,



where the control room looked very cosy for a break from the rain - we dumped our stuff down and Jaff made a cup of tea.....after it had been poured, the 2nd flask selected to destroy itself.

Running low on tea supplies we badgered on, spending around 5 hours taking photos, admiring security's door welding and wondering if someone else was exploring a few steps ahead - especially after finding a fresh glowstick and a name signed on a board of the same date - we realised afterwards that we had just missed 'The Loon' and 'Mykal'








Eventually - after sneaking up on the air house roof we found a double glazed, soundproofed, carpeted, lockable room with a blind to sleep in.


After a slightly cold (through lack of DRY clothes) but reasonably comfortable night we headed back round the site. The sun had come out and we made the most of it. We went back to the air house, popping over to cells 3 and 4 and covering a few areas we hadn't explored the previous evening. Cell 4 had changed in that some of the wooden floor that would have formed part of 'MASSARDE's' office had been ripped up and bent all the surrounding railings in the process. The two ladders that originally led upto a small platform and out the cell via a large pipe had been cut down.
















Little NEW ground covered, mainly due to terrible weather and new security measures but still a very enjoyable visit - i don't think the locals in Aldershot thought that two people covered in dust, soot, rust, cuts and bruises looked too presentable though!
Looks good, makes me wish I could have made it! Did you go to any of the other locations you planned to visit? :)
super stuff, but I think you should take more precortions with the tea next time as it could nearly have been a disarster:exclaim:
Looks good, makes me wish I could have made it! Did you go to any of the other locations you planned to visit? :)

It was good mate but you wouldn't have liked how wet and windy it was!!! Luckily the rooms we stayed in were soundproofed as the rest of the building was clattering like nothing else!

We did T/W battle headquarters(flooded), NGTE, had a look at CMH but all boarded, Crawley bowling alley, Fairfield House (Crawley hospital - and got police S&S) Theatre Royal in Chatham, Eastry Hospital, a quick look at Park Prewett under conversion and a mooch around London - taking night shots. The others were postponed ;)
- need metal flasks next time with no glass inside.

Did the second one implode? That happened to me once...the flask was quietly sitting there one mo, then the next there was a loud bang. I tentatively opened the cap, a puff of smoke escaped and inside were millions of shards of the silvery-coatey stuff (technical term, that! ;) ) Dead strange! :eek: I use a child's plastic one can just chuck it about! It's a girlie lilac colour though!!! :D

Hope to see some of your other explores. :)
Ground control to major Tom,

Sorry got carried away looking at those control rooms. Fantastic pics Mr B Does your heart not just sink when you are cold wet and you are looking forward to a warm cup of tea and !Bang! the flask is shattered. Well done for trodding on I'm sure you must have asked yourself what the heck am I doing a coupe of times.

Did the second one implode? That happened to me once...the flask was quietly sitting there one mo, then the next there was a loud bang. I tentatively opened the cap, a puff of smoke escaped and inside were millions of shards of the silvery-coatey stuff (technical term, that! ;) ) Dead strange! :eek:

I like the technical termenology:lol: I was chatting to the guy in millets the out door supply shop and he recons it’s the pressure change on cold days with hot drinks when the steam leaves it pulls cold air down the sides and that can be enough to crack the glass then when you put the lid on again the pressure builds up and you have a problem:confused::exclaim: