Oh Me Oh My There's A Light In The Sky (Water Tower content)

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Jun 8, 2010
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Looking for things you've missed
Don't you just love an unplanned Bonus-Up?

This one kind of fell into my lap the other night when I got an unexpected opportunity to kill two birds with one stone:

A) Top a Water Tower.
B) Get up close and personal with monster green lasers that were flying around the night sky.

No Photoshop wizardry here and no taking the red pill, staying in Wonderland and seeing how deep the rabbit-hole goes, this shit really happened.

The two beams in shot six are coming from 5 miles away and form a 5 mile x 5.2 mile x 2.2 mile triangle.

This pair of towers were built around 1975 and are 35m high, the fat one that I topped holds 3.41 million litres and its skinnier neighbour holds 1.14 million litres.

As usual the clock was ticking and it was pitch black but I did manage to crack off the following shots...

Wrong Way Down

Heart of the machine

5 miles out



This Is Earth Calling

Lasers set to stun
Fc*k me, that's some serious lasers... they're b-l**dy dangerous at that power. Our laser in our laser harp (don't ask) is 720mW and burns holes in paper so I imagine they were easily that power and probably more... what the hell was going on???

And you've got balls of steel climbing that! respect!
Our laser in our laser harp (don't ask) is 720mW and burns holes in paper so I imagine they were easily that power and probably more... what the hell was going on???

I think these were 10w 'turned down' to 2.7w but don't quote me....I was more worried about trashing the CMOS on my camera than getting hit by beams myself......it was something to do with the Cultural Olympiad I think.
I think these were 10w 'turned down' to 2.7w but don't quote me....I was more worried about trashing the CMOS on my camera than getting hit by beams myself......it was something to do with the Cultural Olympiad I think.

Yes, I feel culturally enriched, alright. But that might be the curry we had last night.