Rylands Mill, Wigan August 2016

Derelict Places

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Sep 8, 2009
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The day after Fole Dairy and Westwood school myself and OverArch woke up somewhere deep in the north, excited for the prospects of a whole day of explores ahead. Sadly, and rather quickly, the excitement turned into disappointment and frustration as simply nothing went our way. Fail followed fail followed tactical retreat, the only place we ended up doing successfully from the long list of places I had gathered was Rylands Mill in Wigan - and even that came at a personal cost to me - as something caught on my foot in the old weaving sheds area which meant I got an unplanned and extremely close up view of the broken brick and slate covered floor whilst my hand and arm took a trip into a large patch of stinging nettles growing out the damp floor. I examined the photo I took of the area I fell and still can't work out what exactly caused me to fall.

With my pride damaged, my knees hurting, arms stinging and camera with a few more battle scars we carried on...to another fail. It wasn't the best place ever but at least the day wasn't a total bust...

Anyway, this was a very big former textile mill which after closure was part converted into a college campus, there was a fairly big fire in the top floor not so long ago which caused some bad damage to the roof.








This below is the area I fell in - I got comparatively lucky - as had I fallen to the left rather than the right I would have gone straight onto the foot of the metal barrier lying on it's side...








Thanks for looking :mrgreen:
Did you visit the ww11 bunker also on the site..
I bloody hate firebugs, a fall and a bit of netteling is an occupational hazard and at least you didn't break anything important like the camera.
You got some grand pics, I especially liked the first couple, the indoor garden wasn't bad either, Thanks
Nice one! With in-laws in Wigan, have watched this place slowly get worse over the years. I notice there are Ferns in the area of the 'incident' - the fronds have a tendency to 'lock' together at the upper ends and can trip the unwary. Been there, done that - frequently over the years!
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Nice one! With in-laws in Wigan, have watched this place slowly get worse over the years. I notice there are Ferns in the area of the 'incident' - the fronds have a tendency to 'lock' together at the upper ends and can trip the unwary. Been there, done that - frequently over the years!

I can't think what it was that got me over, it wasn't ferns as it was relatively clear on the 'well trodden path' through the debris where it happened. Something jabbed into my leg just above my boot, I shook my leg and thought it had been dislodged, tried to take a step forward and whatever it was dug into the ground and basically toppled me over the top of it! You know that feeling you get when you see the ground coming towards you and you have enough time to think 'this is gonna hurt'...yeah that happened.