The_revolution and I set out one morning to take a look around the old Crown Court building in Sheffield. Alas, we were unable to gain access. So we tried another building I fancied a go at. The former Sheffield Central Post Office, located on Fitzalan Square.
Fitzalan Square was created in 1881 when Market Street and its buildings were demolished, the early square had a substantial cab stand and clock. However, this was demolished in 1913 to make way for a bronze statue of King Edward VII by Alfred Drury (1857-1944). This was unveiled by the Duke of Norfolk on 27 October 1913, and stands to this day.
Sheffield's Head Post Office operated in the square for almost ninety years. Built in 1910 as an addition to the 1897 post office building on Flat Street, it closed in 1999, with the main post office moving to new premises within the Co-op store on Angel Street. The Grade II listed Post Office building was up for sale for a considerable time before finally being sold for development in early 2006.
We gained access to the site and took a wander around the sorting and distribution areas. Or at least, what is left of them - demolition is well under way.
After covering the semi demolished areas, we turned our sights towards the main building. I managed to gain access through a rather hazardous route and unfortunately The_Revolution was unable to follow. I explored the building, trying not to take too long, but there is quite a lot to see. Upon reaching one area, I found another far easier access, so called The_Revolution over and we set out to cover the whole building. After a good session of exploring, we were about to leave the same way we came in when I heard voices outside. Peaking out the window revealed four people - workmen and security. An alternative egress was rapidly found and used. We were able to meander out without being seen.
Walking back to the car, the route taking us past the rear entrance, a fit of mischievousness over took me. Causing me to walk into the site and ask if I could take a shot of the fire escape. Permission duly acquired, and the shot was mine
Basement of the sorting building.
Funky stairs
Sleeping Giant
Sorting Offices
What remains of the distribution centre
Upstairs to the Graphics room and offices
Loading and unloading bay
The first room in the main building - a toilet. Lots of signs reminding people to flush the toilet, and to use the loo brush to clear the bowl if required. Lovely.
The main room, shot from the reception area
Fitzalan Square
Office, off the main room
Containing these
Fab woodwork on the walls
And plans on the desk
Lift and corridor
The secure area
The pass through, from the outside
And from the inside
Secure booths
Store room
Bars and peeling paint
Many keys
Back out of the secure area, and we find staff tea mugs
Former rec room
Instruction sheet
The fabulous staircase
Old stove, previously hidden behind plaster
I wasn't too sure about going in here...
The cupola above the staircase from the inside
And from the outside
The_Revolution on the roof ladder
360 degree panorama
A hastily created guestbook on the way out, whilst trying not to be seen
The cheeky fire escape shot
Fitzalan Square was created in 1881 when Market Street and its buildings were demolished, the early square had a substantial cab stand and clock. However, this was demolished in 1913 to make way for a bronze statue of King Edward VII by Alfred Drury (1857-1944). This was unveiled by the Duke of Norfolk on 27 October 1913, and stands to this day.
Sheffield's Head Post Office operated in the square for almost ninety years. Built in 1910 as an addition to the 1897 post office building on Flat Street, it closed in 1999, with the main post office moving to new premises within the Co-op store on Angel Street. The Grade II listed Post Office building was up for sale for a considerable time before finally being sold for development in early 2006.
We gained access to the site and took a wander around the sorting and distribution areas. Or at least, what is left of them - demolition is well under way.
After covering the semi demolished areas, we turned our sights towards the main building. I managed to gain access through a rather hazardous route and unfortunately The_Revolution was unable to follow. I explored the building, trying not to take too long, but there is quite a lot to see. Upon reaching one area, I found another far easier access, so called The_Revolution over and we set out to cover the whole building. After a good session of exploring, we were about to leave the same way we came in when I heard voices outside. Peaking out the window revealed four people - workmen and security. An alternative egress was rapidly found and used. We were able to meander out without being seen.
Walking back to the car, the route taking us past the rear entrance, a fit of mischievousness over took me. Causing me to walk into the site and ask if I could take a shot of the fire escape. Permission duly acquired, and the shot was mine
Basement of the sorting building.

Funky stairs

Sleeping Giant

Sorting Offices

What remains of the distribution centre

Upstairs to the Graphics room and offices

Loading and unloading bay

The first room in the main building - a toilet. Lots of signs reminding people to flush the toilet, and to use the loo brush to clear the bowl if required. Lovely.

The main room, shot from the reception area

Fitzalan Square

Office, off the main room

Containing these

Fab woodwork on the walls

And plans on the desk


Lift and corridor

The secure area


The pass through, from the outside

And from the inside

Secure booths

Store room
Bars and peeling paint

Many keys

Back out of the secure area, and we find staff tea mugs

Former rec room

Instruction sheet

The fabulous staircase

Old stove, previously hidden behind plaster

I wasn't too sure about going in here...

The cupola above the staircase from the inside

And from the outside

The_Revolution on the roof ladder

360 degree panorama

A hastily created guestbook on the way out, whilst trying not to be seen

The cheeky fire escape shot