Watermill, Ashford-in-the-Water, Derbyshire, June 2015

Derelict Places

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This was a nice leisurely explore with non-member GazzaM one sunny June afternoon. Not too much in the way of history plus the mills are all sealed up so no internals but plenty externally to merit a report. Here’s what a bit of research on the place turned up.

The small mill complex is tucked away by the River Wye just outside of Ashford-in-the-Water, set back from the A6 towards Buxton. The mills were powered by the twin iron water wheels which are still visible as they slowly rust away. The mills were constructed circa 1870 and underwent some restoration in 1979 by the Arkwright Society who have appeared to do little with the mills since then.

There is conflicting information about the use of the watermills. Some accounts state it was owned by the Frost family and was used to make bobbins from the local ash woods for the cotton mills at places like Litton and Cressbrook. Others make reference to the mill being used to crush bones for the use in fertilizers. The smaller waterwheel was used to supply the local village with water.

Here are the pictures:

The mills are hidden away in the undergrowth:

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The building that houses the third smaller waterwheel and head race for the other mill:

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The buildings are boarded-up but in good nick:

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The iron waterwheels have faired less well:

18561659200_bb8dae9ff1_b.jpgimg9783 by HughieDW, on Flickr

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This is the third smaller waterwheel by the side of the River Wye itself:

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18744566842_e7e778f9b4_b.jpgimg9781 by HughieDW, on Flickr
I don't think many modern buildings would stand the test of time like that!
Brilliant, thanks for sharing :)