Megatron, Sheffield, S.Yorks, May 2018

Derelict Places

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People's Republic of South Yorkshire.
1. The History
A bit of history from wikipedia:

“From Granville Square to the Don, the river is almost entirely in culverts. The Midland Railway bought the water rights to allow them to build their station over the river. The site of Pond Tilt is now occupied by the station forecourt, and the goods yard covered its dam. The owners of Pond Forge vacated their site soon after the station was built, but attempted to get compensation for loss of water power as a result of the work.

At Granville Square, a large screen prevents debris from entering the culverts. Serious flooding in 1990 led to the construction of the first screen, and it was refurbished in 2010, so that it could be continuously monitored by the Environment Agency.

The river continues below ground to the edge of the station, where it is joined underground by the Porter Brook, which emerges from its own culvert to flow beside the station car park before passing under the station from the west. The river surfaces briefly by Pond Hill, before passing under the Ponds Forge district. It flows through a huge cavern before joining the Don beside Blonk Street bridge, named after Benjamin Blonk, who was the tenant of Castle Orchards Wheel from the 1750s to the 1770s.”

2. The Explore
Been before but wasn’t happy with the old pictures. Thinking back, it was my first ever experience of shooting in a no-light situation. So been meaning to go back for ages. So finally got round to it. Met up with fellow forum member Tarkovsky and off we went. We popped into the Porter Brook and after a bit of stooping came out into the open and walked along the short stretch to where the Porter Brook joins the Sheaf under Sheffield station. It was a lovely day and the water levels low but waders were still de rigour to get to Megatron. All-in-all, a very enjoyable morning in excellent company. The place is a bit surreal – it’s so quiet down there but just above you is the hustle-and-bustle of the big city.

3. The Pictures
We dropped into the Porter Brook via the landscaped patch near the former Matilda pub:

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Love the randomness of the stonework of this initial section:

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Much stooping to get through this culverted part of the Porter Brook:

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Just before popping out into the open:

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As soon as you join the Sheaf there’s a slight incline and a weir, split into three sections:

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After the weir the Sheaf continues in three parallel rough tunnels with arches:

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This section has clearly been strengthened:

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And goes from rough rock-built tunnels to this:

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Coming back out into the light:

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And into the open section near Pond’s Forge:

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The famous graff line:

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Nice arches:

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And leaving the light behind again:

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Into one of the three tunnels between the open section and the Tron:

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…and another:

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Until three become one:

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The might of Megatron:

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And beyond to Lady Bridge and the meeting of the Don and the Sheaf:

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Close-up of the Tron:

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And looking back:

42390078861_cfd7f4a28b_b.jpgimg7567 by HughieDW, on Flickr
That's a beautiful done a drain before but always fancied this one.well done mate
Wow now that's something special! I think you have got the lighting very atmospheric HD! Love all them brick arches, you must have slithered like a snake at times haha. A culvert would be the place I would try before a drain, done neither so I appreciate other peoples pic's! It must of been rather surreal underneath the city with all that commotion goin on above with just the sound of the water and the odd rumble from the trains I guess. Would you try a drain now do you think HD:eek::excitement:...maybe a few more culverts first a???:emerged:
Wow now that's something special! I think you have got the lighting very atmospheric HD! Love all them brick arches, you must have slithered like a snake at times haha. A culvert would be the place I would try before a drain, done neither so I appreciate other peoples pic's! It must of been rather surreal underneath the city with all that commotion goin on above with just the sound of the water and the odd rumble from the trains I guess. Would you try a drain now do you think HD:eek::excitement:...maybe a few more culverts first a???:emerged:

Cheers PV! Quite difficult down there as in places it is literally pitch black. It is really peaceful down there. When you are under the station though the trains don't half rumble! My mate it a big drainer so may do I've with him soon!
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As a rule the only aspect of our hobby I don't have much time for is culverts, but you sir may of just made me have a rethink!
There is some excellent pics there that give this a truly magical feelin thanks for enlightening me.
As a rule the only aspect of our hobby I don't have much time for is culverts, but you sir may of just made me have a rethink!
There is some excellent pics there that give this a truly magical feelin thanks for enlightening me.

Cheers BG. It's a good one to start with. A lot of variety and some great architecture.