Time & Envy (and a LOT more!), Portsmouth

Derelict Places

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Apr 18, 2008
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A place like a night club you expect to be a pretty straight forward explore, and to some extent it was. Only thing was that I hadn't counted on the sheer expanse of this place or the complexity of the building, which after several return visits and many hours exploring turned out to contain FOUR clubs (two of which didn't happen), a Casino and the old offices to Luminar Group Holdings PLC! I say building... A few on-site plans revealed that these were spread over THREE buildings and helped obtain some rather interesting and hidden access routes between them.

As far as explores go, I got a lot more than I expected to say the least! It was absolutely incredible with more details and stories than I had ever expected to come out of a nightclub complex... However, on my fourth (and final) visit I had an experience that brought this fascinating and seemingly endless continuation of an explore to an abrupt halt. But more on that later!

Part 1 of 4, Time

1. Looking from the main entranceway, the cloakroom on the left and the tills on the right.

2. Inside the cloakroom, rails, pigeonholes and toasters?!

3. The locker-room for the security team, loads of assorted bits in here!

4. The first-aid room, complete with the boxes from complimentary condoms.

5. Behind the tills, 1 year since "The End" closing event.

6. Now up to the club itself, all the stuff from the bars still installed and in tact.

7. But of course, the bottles were all dry...

8. and removed from the optics holders

9. The last dregs from the drain pipes to the sink and taps had leaked out.

10. I'm guessing the staff were polishing off the last of the stock, then forgot about the last round on their final exit. Note that this place closed a few months before the smoking ban came into effect.

11. Gas canisters for carbonating drinks were still in place, along with the rest of the equipment! Dangerous?

12. I have no idea why there were Christmas Trees in the toilets?

13. Or why the ladies toilets had a cubicle that contains two toilets?!?!

14. There were seriously about 8-10 electrical panels in just Time alone, this one is for the Air con.

15. In da Club!

16. Up the stairs we go...

17. ...for views over the dance floor.

18. The DJ booth.

19. Nearby is the main panel for Time, although not the main panel for the complex... That's a completely different behemoth!

20. This was a bit a bit spooky to stumble across in a quiet corner!

21. Behind some of the fake-walls you could see the decor from the previous club of the 80s/90s, 5th Avenue!

22. The only part of Time that still had power, the secure offices. Note the monitor left on.

23. Opposite desk:

24. And the obligatory Safe, although there were actually 2.

Part 2 of 4, Envy

So after the first outing at Time and exploring every nook and cranny, the following explore I went with friend. We decided to stealth it through to Envy where on the first explore I had established that PIR sensors were still active and so I'd avoided going there, and after some cautious ducking and relentless scouring for more trips, we were in! It was a lot smaller that Time with just one small dance floor and one bar, but it had some VERY interesting cellars...

25. Envy? This club must envy all other clubs, it's tiny!

26. Just the one bar in there.

(Didn't bother with those toilets as they were identical decor to Time and stunk to high heaven!)

27. DJ booth.

28. Anyone thirsty? One bottled left out in the back room.

29. Envy's main power cables down in the cellar, all cut. Once again... Not the main panel for the complex! Just Envy.

30. All the pipework for the barrels AND compressed gas canisters! Carbonators and bigger compressed gas canister out of shot too.

31. After another snoop and more investigation, another discovery and another basement!

It's the main supply panel at last! The photo doesn't do it justice, it's about 6ft tall and 2.5ft wide! Wonder why the Judderman is guarding it?

32. Here's why, a workshop where sets and props for the clubs would have been made.

33. And what else would be in such a place?

Complete plans of all floors and buildings, and keys/codes? Now things are getting interesting...
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Part 3 of 4, Luminar Group Holdings PLC offices

After Envy we called it a night again, but thanks to the maps we'd just found and a quick snoop, we located the building where these Offices (and a whole load of active flats, stealth was in order) were. Trouble was that all the Offices had little (HUGE) things called "windows" in them, so using any lights was out of the question. We had to go back during the day, so we did!

Whilst in there it very quickly became apparent that these offices were used for all sorts of work within the company. Everything from top level business strategies and marketing, through to graphic design of their media and in-house mock-up publishing.

34. The one shot I took when we found our way through to the Offices at night, you can see why it's not torch friendly.

35. Lots of paperwork, also note the megaphone on the right and the Champagne on the desk.

36. The General Manager's office, complete with projector screen and inflatable banana.

37. More Champagne, this time a massive bottle! Also keys, flyers etc.

38. These clubs weren't just going to disappear, despite the publics initial fears... The company had the new club planned all along. Now Liquid Envy in Portsmouth City Centre.

39. There seriously is stuff everywhere in every room, nothing is missing or destroyed.

40. Boxes of promotional media including flyers, stickers, posters, beer mats, everything!

41. Storage room, complete with dishwasher remains, dismantled lights and filter gels.

42. Old CCTV equipment, although all the rest is still in place in the clubs.

43. Office tea room.

44. If you look REALLY closely, you can see this brochure is resting on an old photocopier. [;)]

There's so much stuff in these offices, way too much to show close ups of the interesting details. These photos have barely covered all the rooms that are there, there are a fair few missing.

Part 4 of 4, Groesvenor Casino

We had virtually everything down on the "to do" list, but after 3 previous visits I'd still not found a way through to the elusive Groesvenor Casino. In all honesty I never realised there had been a casino there until I saw the plans! I don't remember it being there when all this place was open. The plans that we'd uncovered in the workshop revealed some potential on the casino. After checking a few things out all that happened was we found ourselves in hidden cupboard. "B*gger" we thought, til we got the torches on and opened a door. "Holy cr*p!" We were in!

Much like the little underground workshop that we'd come across, some of the lights were on, it was no biggy and no cause for concern. This place had eluded me for 3 whole visits and we'd finally cracked it! But all was not as it seems...

45. Looking from the top of the stairs that go down to the Casino (it's underground) all seemed fine:

46. Looking from the back towards the reception area through those doors... Yep that's pretty normal looking.

47. The Reception. Alarm bells started ringing in my head, all was not right... BLue plastic bags from local 24hr Convenience Stores and the backdoors were marginally ajar letting light in:

48. But there as no more signs of life round in the Canteen area, which was round a few dark snaking corridors.

49. Until we hit this.

Sh*t the f*cking bed! We're getting outta here, now.

We snake round the dark winding corridors, pacing as quickly and stealthily as we could, our hearts pounding harder with each and every step. We were literally just coming to our "secret cupboard" entry point, when our feet froze in mid air.


F*ck! There's f*cking junkies in here! It was literally less than a minute ago that we were in the heart of their lair, I daren't think what would have happened if we stayed just a few more seconds.

By this point we were frozen solid, too scared to move a muscle, stood in complete darkness staring out to the illuminated back entrance to the reception. My heart is literally tearing through my chest, it's the only part of me still moving when we catch a glimpse...

We see the junkie in the reflections of the glass at the reception enterance, he's stood in the light fumbling around and we can see him clearly... Thank god for our cover of darkness. My accomplice inches his way into the cupboard trying to keep silent whilst shaking like a leaf. He's in! But I'm left with several feet to cover and this guys is getting closer, I take no chances.

I dive for the cupboard and through our impossibly narrow access point, my accomplice follows, there's another cry from the junkie. "Sh*t!" We fumble frantically through the hole not daring to look back, only stopping once we reach our secure blanket of darkness.

Seconds feel like hours... My heart is in my mouth. Silence.

He's gone, must have thought we were security. Thank christ for that...

We take no chances, quick-footing our way back through the darkness until we find a safe point.

Explore over, we're outta here... And I ain't coming back. Ever.
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We'll its not my sort of thing, I don't find derelict nightclubs appealing but whatever floats your boat!

I imagine the Junkie incident was a bit tense though, not a position I'd like to be in.
top report, i know the lemar group are opening a new club with the same kinds theme in Basildon, Essex. 4 clubs in to 1 all linked by 1 corridoor. i have worked there and its sooo similar. what a wicked report, a cold shiver hit me when i saw that last pic. nasty
What a totally awesome explore, I like the ones that turn out to be a lot better than you think, makes it a whole lot more exciting. Shame about the ending, and you didn't get to see more of the casino, but probably best you left when you did! Enjoyed your report, thanks!
What a great post.

Fantastic write up with smashing pics. Really had my heart in my mouth at the end :D
Brillian write up and report dude - well done!

Loads to see there!!
Nice report-good read & informative pics! You've covered a fair deal of ground there, glad you got out safely though! ;)
not my thing hence why I have not done it, mainly because those podiums have some bad memories for me, but apart from that cool explore. did u manage to get into the offices up the stairs? the code is 1 and 4 together then 3 or maybe 2 its been a while lol.

Yeah we got into the offices, both the secure offices for Time and the Luminar offices (see above.)

Did you get my text a few days ago?
erm nope have changed my number me thinks you dont have the new one. will pm you now
Quite an interesting report, looks like there's loads left behind to keep you occupied for a while.
I guess its a good idea to explore in a group because of such situations.

Love your pics and report, any history and why did it close, also any external shots?
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Love your pics and report, any history and why did it close, also any external shots?

I didn't get any external shots, might go back and get some from a safe distance!

It closed almost exactly a year ago as the company that owned the club were replacing it with a new £5million club in the city centre (see photo #38) instead of miles from public transport on the seafront.
As I joined Cogito on his second trip in I thought I'd add something :) as many have said its not some peoples thing! And to be honest, It wasn't really mine! I've never actually been into a nightclub when open and not sure I really plan to ;) It was a strange explore! Darker than anything but quite enjoyable partly from seeing the random stuff left behind and on the other hand from hearing Heavenlyphoto's descriptions on what it was like when it was open! :p I may add some photos later on but the real achievement for me on this one was to just see what was inside! If just to make sure it wasn't anything not worth missing!! :) Thanks to Cogito for his recceing and his solo explore into the darkness! - madness !!:lol:

P.S.. I think it closed a year tomorrow ;)