Water Tower, RAF North Witham, Lincolnshire, May 2019

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The asbestos cement sheeted agricultural shelter has nothing to do with with the original site - it is late '50's - early '60's and produced by one of three companies who started up again after WW11.

As a point of interest asbestos sheeting was not used on buildings in WW11. Asbestos was a far too important commodity for that mundane use - unless the structure was special, and the supplies of it that survived the long wartime sea passages were used in gas protection, engineering insulation and armoured vehicles - to name a few uses. It was the good old Corrugated Iron Sheet that was mandatory choice for building usage. Initial wartime supplies were made from the mountains of low grade 'scrap iron' that was collected, along with the aluminium pans, from every household in the UK. In the late '50's I can remember travelling around the steel working areas of Sheffield with Dad, and seeing mountains of this wartime scrap still standing around. Of very poor grade, it had been no use for wartime production and eventually found its way into reinforcing mesh used in the reconstruction and post war development of our bombed major Cities.

Not entirely true, especially on WWII airfields in the UK.

Virtually every Temporary Brick airfield building had an asbestos cement roof, usually Super Six or Trafford Tile pattern.
Many airfields had Handcraft Hut barracks, entirely of Trofsec asbestos cement sheeting, or the simpler Curved Asbestos Hut, basically a self-supporting asbestos Nissen hut. Larger buildings such as messes and dining halls would have asbestos extractor ventilators on the roof, and asbestos sheeting would be fitted behind pot-belly stoves in non-brick huts.