HMSO Sovereign House. Norwich. Permission visit. Dec 12

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Black Shuck

Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Nov 25, 2008
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gt yarmouth
This was a fantastic chance to explore with some of Norfolks best photographers Sovereign House in Norwich, a large 1960's built carbuncle on the city skyline. Here's some history.....Her Majesty's Stationery Office was originally the official publishing and stationery department of the Government of the United Kingdom. It was also considered to be one of the main print buyers, printers and suppliers of office equipment in the U.K.
Sovereign House was built in the 1960's for the HMSO, upon completion they moved most of the main operations to Norwich from London in the 1970's.
The now disused office building in Norwich's Anglia Square, has had at least three plans proposed for its use, all of which have rejected by Norwich City Council. The future of the site is now, at the time of writing December 2012, written on the wall for Demo.


Sovereign House seen from the outside, is very imposing.


The rather imposing foyer in rather funky colours!




Here is what's left of the bar and social club!










This is what's left of the canteen


This is the stripped out kitchen



Well thanks for looking peeps:);)
I like that :) Cant quite see where a straight building has curved corridors/rooms though :)
Very different from most things I see on this excellent site, so well worth recording, thank you. I was most struck by how utterly soulless the place seems - that is the difference. Clearly the 60's/ 70's represent a low spot in British architecture, I don't imagine anyone could mourn this buildings' demise.
Very different from most things I see on this excellent site, so well worth recording, thank you. I was most struck by how utterly soulless the place seems - that is the difference. Clearly the 60's/ 70's represent a low spot in British architecture, I don't imagine anyone could mourn this buildings' demise.

It is quite a carbuncle on the Norwich skyline, yet I think it still needs to be recorded before it's demolished!:):sick:
I like that :) Cant quite see where a straight building has curved corridors/rooms though :)

Good point, why on earth are the corridors curved? :/
Though a nice report, I can't imagine anyone too upset about the demo, you can definitely tell what era this was built in, and its not good!
Interesting find and as someone has already said,worth recording before they demolish it,though given its sturdy basic construction why it cant be refurbed I dont know:mad:

60`s and 70`s stuff was built to be strong and functional as opposed to todays flashy,pretentious and low quality rubbish.

Great find and pics:)