Bristol North Baths - Things to do with a derelict swimming pool.

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Superb stuff, it's great that you've done this. Personally I don't think they are starting building anytime soon.. they've been saying that for the past 3 years at least!
What a fantastic and selfless thing to do other than to get a buzz at being in a really nice site and hopefully the satisfaction of it being preserved and protected from abuse and neglect till its sorted :)
Projects like this make me realise that people aren't all dicks and that there is some hope for humankind as a whole. :)
This project is now over and the building has been handed back to the developers. I hope they treat it well!
What a good idea :). Watching a movie in the swimming pool, strange but yet appealing, like watching it in the bath tub with no water and no clothes on, bet the sound is ace :). Big thumbs up to the project and the people involved .
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Ah good to see you got the report up mate, was looking forward to seeing it! You guys really did a top job here, and it really made it seem that great as I got to see it before you went in, back in December and then again after you had done all the work, in May.

Again, cheers and great job. I hope the developers do well with the place! :)