cardington hangers and the story of R101...july 2010

Derelict Places

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Dude I am sure that I worked here last summer!! I ocasionally work for a friends company putting up marquees. There was an aviation reasarch team we errected a marquee for to do some kind of presintation in, and I am 99.999% sure it was directly next to the second hanger. We had to go through various security checks as part of the hangers are used as film studios. (There were Gothem City Police SWAT vans lined up along the side, how cool!!) I will dig out the pics I took while there and also try to confirm it is the same place. I am unsure as I am not familiar with the area at all.
I remember being amazed by a HUGE building we passed a couple of mins before arriveing at the hangers.
It was a derelict building, a kind of mansion, but really big, all on it's own with no other buildings around it at all.

If I am correct and this is the same place, did you happen to notice this place? If so , any idea what it is??

Hi Danny Boi,t_o_m_m_o s spot on have a little look at the internal link and i believe this is the location you saw.
cheers for the imput mate.


SK :)
