Goole Cinema and Bingo Hall

Derelict Places

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Good report mate :) im orginally from HUll and asll the time ive lived and worked in and around the surounding area, i didnt know Goole wasn't big enough to have a bingo hall lol, but come to think of it, the place is like 75% full of OAP's :lol: :lol: :p:p
Sorry, not been around for a while. I'll try sort out a return visit, but it maybe some time. New job.

As for places to explore, there is an old pig farm at Hook, which many a moon ago, I worked at. It's a massive place, and was set to be turned in to houses, but I suspect that plan is on hold at the moment. It might be worth putting a call in with the owner, since they have two rather nice dogs that run loose around the place. (not as dangerous as the pigs were mind)