Hi from Cheshire

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Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys I am new on here so thought I would come and say hi:)

Yesterday me and a friend visited our first abandoned hospital ( pool parc) in ruthin , Wales I have got loads of pics going to select a few and post them on here see what you guys think, just remember it was my first time :)

Looking for some new places around the north west area to visit so please let me know of anything you guys new about :)

I tried the hm stanly hospital in st Asaph today but got stopped by security's soon as we parked up!!

Thanks guys!
Welcome along to the forum and look forward to seeing the pics from Pool Parc soon hopefully!

In regards to finding locations, why not use the search function at the top, I'm sure a few will pop up :)
thanks for making me feel welcome tried to upload some pics but not sure if there showing up and if i have done it right?! sorry!!
thanks for making me feel welcome tried to upload some pics but not sure if there showing up and if i have done it right?! sorry!!

Just replied on that thread with a link to a useful guide :)

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