
Derelict Places

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New member
Jul 11, 2012
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Hello All

I'm totally new to this, but have been very impressed by the photography of others in this field. Very much interested in finding some sites and exploring. I live close to Ilkley, nr Leeds, West Yorks.

As I am a complete novice, if anyone has some useful tips for making the most of a trip with minimal equipment, I would be most grateful.
Hello & welcome to DP , i am a bit of a novice myself when it comes to exploring derelict places, i guess the best tip is to know your limits and keep it safe.
There are far more experienced people on this forum than me, i am sure it wont take long for some really good tips to come your way.
Welcome to DerP.

A good torch, back up as well, and batteries. Dress in dull clothes (think twice about cam as it sends out the wrong message due to the number of pykeys who wear it) and strong boots (nails, glass etc.).

Explore with a partner and make sure you have your phone with you (on silent) and a first aid dressing.

Expect to take photos with a tripod as flash illuminates the first six feet of your room leaving a black void behind. Flash also telegraphs your presence to anyone outside the window.

Do your research, Google earth is priceless. And go easy on the HDR qwhen you post your reports, it's not received too well!

Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints. Don't break in, never be abusive to security or the police, they're just doing their jobs. And if anyone sets an attack dog on you apparently they wull not sieze if you put your arms above your head. And if you try that you've got bigger cahoogies than me!

Above all, enjoy!
Welcome to the forum, get yourself an exploring buddy, there is a cracking little explore not far from you that springs to mind :)
Thanks very much guys and thanks to TeeJF for the tips.

I'm sure after I find a suitable explore you guys will be the first to hear about it. Already have some tips and ideas, so will have to see how they pan out.

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