RAF Lympne

Derelict Places

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BTP Liam

Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Essex m8
Hello, this is my first post on Derelict places. This summer i was on holiday to when I came across some derelict hangars which looked fairly old. They were accessible, and were large hall like areas inside. Was 6-8 of these buildings. I stopped off to check them out, and came across a large two story concrete building, later found out to be a gas decontamination block. Unfortunatley, the unexpected trip had to be rather hasty, and I would have liked to have explored more thoroughly. I also found a strange entranceless pillbox. Later I heard it was a ‘pickett-hamilton fort’ which was a defence designed to be accessed through a ceiling hatch (I didn’t see this due to an overgrowing tree), and would slide to ground-level hydraulically to avoid obstructiong aircraft on the runway. There was also several short tunnel bunkers which were designed to protect people from air-raids. They were covered in earth, and most had caved in, but one which I managed to enter. After further investigation I saw that the site included a large building block, a picket-hamilton fort, and several underground air-raid shelters. I believed this to be an airfield and was correct when I later looked up on it on the internet.

Here is a link to the pictures on my website, and I've added a link to this site on there as i think it's really interesting.


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Thank you but please read the [ame="http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/main/showthread.php?t=16286"]guide to posting location reports[/ame] which outlines what is required in a report, without more content this is just a link to your website and should go in the "Your websites" forum.
Thanks for the link, what you see where there is now an industrial site is on the other side of the road.
Also, sorry Krela, i'll add some better content.