Tackers Farmhouse - The Brazened Revisit

Derelict Places

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Guard Dog Bait
Veteran Member
May 2, 2015
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I took the opportunity to revisit one of my earliest explores given that the first time I came I didn't go in the house at all.

Well, I finally went in. And in my opinion it was well worth it!

My guess is that the wind blew the door shut behind this little guy and he was left trapped inside; doomed:

The outside shed:

Thanks for looking,

Certainly worth revisiting and definitely worth posting! That old photo is amazing along with the sewing machine.
Liking that 4th shot, theres something cool about that pic of the old lady. Nice share
Nice house and interesting articles. That article on Andre Bernard he still has a hair salon in Liverpool and I also picked up that Jimmy Tarbuck and Lewis Collins both did apprenticeships at Andre Bernards. But that house has a lot of antique items. I also like the photo and the shed. A good find.
Thanks for that Hugh Jorgan! I enjoyed having a flick through these actually! There were 100s of issues of Woman's Weekly dating back to the 70s :) and also some copies of Stichcraft dating back to the 50s. You're right this place was full of antiques. I loved it here :) the place is amazing!