The Dead Poet's Society Manor Festation : Sept 2012

Derelict Places

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Mars Lander

Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Sep 30, 2011
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Near Manchester
Ever since Ninja Kitten and Skeleton key posted Bull House / Fur House I was almost obsessed, I sat there looking at what could rival a euro splore but in the UK, I knew they wouldn't tell where it was as they had already said but I still did ask :) but it didn't get me any where

So I set to work , you see all the clues were there I just had to piece it altogether 3 days later I had it, I let certain parties know..they weren't pleased, it kind of left a nasty taste so I left it, I must say that this is all water under the bridge and we all know each a little if not alot more now , so all is good :)

So fast forward months and many plans falling through, plus Ssshhhh....and I, might just have landed an exhibition at a largeish public gallery and I so want at least one shot from this in it!

Planning here is pretty paramount I mean the Bull, stories of an angry farmer and people being arrested and de-arrested not good.

Ssshhhh.... , Luckypants and I were going for it this time no matter what.

We practiced and drilled the route which had us acting out our plan in Luckypants front room (bagsy not being the bull), after all we are gonna attempt this in complete darkness,...."ok over the XXXXX now which way?....XXXX....wrong we all drowned , start again, blah blah then what xxxxxx. no you forgot the bull we all got horrifically skewered, the bull is wearing us like horn ornaments...start again from the beginning....and so on till we were tight as.

Special thanks to Ninja Kitten SkeletonKey, and extra thanks to CameraShy, I must add here none of them told me the place initially and only offered advice as they knew I already had it down.

Ok on with the show....

We get to the place , hearts racing we are at phase 1 no need to worry about the bull just yet...we walk along next minute Luckypants makes a sound breaking the plan and points to the BULL sat just yards from us!!! wagging his tale like a giant angry horned cat gone wrong, thing is in the wrong F@@king place!!, we tip toe back the bull glares...suddenly lights, a vehicle is coming past us ..we hit the deck, we are in a bad place ,Mr Angry over there Mr bull over here and an undisclosed hazard I wont go into adding extra complication in case it goes udders up, then the vehicle stops our hearts pound, the bull wags his tail WTF!!! are we doing

What seems like an age the vehicle drives off again PHEWW .... but still the horned beast is ever present..time to move and sharpish . eventually we are IN!!!!!!!

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ACCESS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Its pitch black and Bull Manor is not in the best of health, its a flaming deathtrap in parts but we are in, we take seats in the darkness, the feeling now I can only describe as...

Remember when you was a kid on Christmas morning, you wake up too early to open your presents, but as the light slowly unfolds you can start to make out that they're there.

It was like that here, as we sat in the darkness waiting for the morning to show us the splore, we were sat there waiting, tripods at the ready, grinning like kids and marvelling at the wonderful shapes as they took form.

Ok you mothers, lets BULL!

The morning reveals this, can't beleive what I am looking at I was now actually in the surreal world of Fur House


All the old favourites are still here totally unmolested and unpilfered, no graff or anything, there are loads of little wooden egg timers , i placed one on either side of this luvlee...


This room was just fab, full of the most bizarre things a lot of which have faces.


I thought this was the coolest thing in the place...


Where's Wallis?


I have noticed from other images on flicker that there seems to be a couple of stamps missing or I hope else where in the melee, the furry thing is just awesome its a paperweight and weighs a ton


Further in into the fray...


the music room with its rotten but amazing ornate piano and in contrast this thing looked like it could be made to work one day...


Here we are in the hall , the stairs going up to another 2 floors, floor 3 is for suicides, floor 2 isn't that great either with gaping holes in the stairways and a ladder going to another section of floor 2, on floor 3 is a massive wardrobe leaning against the warped bannister threatening to topple over at any minute and I doubt this place will be intact for much longer, the whole house seems to be eating itself in its own unchavved natural decay


One of the star attractions to this splore legend, the epic library!


Sadly we couldn't get this to tune in , Philips don't make em like they used too :)


Check that rug , this is the room to get ready for a Furhouse Booshesque party


I crazily climb some strange tall ladders leaning against even more rot right under the precariously balanced huge wardrobe and find rooms in a much greater state of decay and filth


This is Mrs Hoover room


I get down the ladder in one piece to the sound of wood groans and Ssshhhh.... saying i was mental for even going up there lools

Its time to leave we've had our fill, we are covered in Fur House dust and God knows whatever, but we loved it.. problem is our exit is now the centre of a band of workers who dont seem to be going any place, we need to go, we have other splores to tour..still after another 30 mins they are right next to us literally, we need to vacate , we come out another way , an altogether very unsubtle way , but extreme luck is with us we are not spotted, we can see freedom can we reach it, but where is the bull and now its broad day light, we will be seen at the last hurdle , we dash for it bollox to the bull and where ever he is and stuff the farmer we are off but wait the bull! oh no's................



Unbeknown to us Luckypants used to work in the circus and summoning his ancient circus powers from yesteryear he tamed the bull and got a thorough sound licking for his efforts, nice one.


Obviously this not something I would recommend personally! we are protected somewhat here, remember animals can have bad hair days and be unpredictable.

All in all the best splore and fun times to date and the day is young

You too can walk around this enigma with me, check the video below you lucky peoples you :D


look out below for some exceptional images from my sploring gal Sssshhhh.... and animal trainer Luckypants

Adios Amigos.​
This has been on the cards for many months and finally we got there! The usual excitement before a splore oozed from our pores but this time magnified by a million because we were going to bull manor! A little trepidation was lingering though, on the circumference of our bubble, holding a big pin in its hands! The bull. This is the bit i didnt like, we were going to enter into the unknown, i can handle the usual hazards but a bloody big bull with gigantic horns, now thats a different story. Dont get me wrong, i love animals, but i dont want them chasing me :) When Lucky pants said the bulls there and with a squint of the eyes in the darkness, i made out the sillouette of the big chap with his big horns, mere feet from us, lay under a tree, tail flicking like an angry cat. i froze like a rabbit caught in the headlights and nearly soiled myself. I didnt know what to do, run, sneak away or keep still. Then we were nearly in headlights, a car was going down the drive and then stopped, we ducked. my heart was pounding like roger rabbits. Luckily the car drove off and thankfully the bull didnt move, we cautiously walked past him and made our way towards the manor, relieved and with clean underwear.
On with the pics..
















This was obviously once a grand place but unfortunately now beyond repair, going up the stairs was like walking on sponges! Its sad to see such a place in this state but i feel privileged to have been a part of it for a while and to at least salvaged some of it in every pixel.
We left feeling elated and smelling of old things :)
oh wow! dont think ive enjoyed a report like that since reading lees epic chernobyl one..your adventures un ravel like a story and i can so put my self in your shoes and see my self there with you..its like sploring from my front room reading your posts.:) i am so glad actually that your research payed off and you found this little treasure as saying "no sorry" to such like minded folk really is difficult at all totally deserved to see her and have returned with a wonderful insite into a very speacial place..and you managed to escape the highland fling! brill :)
Stunning photos from all of you and what a great write up, was worth the all your efforts in the end, loved the idea of you planning your entry in the front room of your house ! thanks for sharing look forward to more of your adventures
One Word......... WOW !!!

That report by all three of you is just something else. Funny right ups and images arn't too bad either. Only joking folks ;) Its one of the best reports I have seen well done to you all and keep up the great work.I look forward to reading about your next adventures.