"The island" - Malaysia 08

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
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The Far East = Malaysia | Singapore
"The island" - Malaysia 09

Are you sitting comfortably?

This is "the island", a tropical square mile paradise off the coast of Malaysia. Since the 1990's 3
major projects were kicked off on this island and since then all 3 have failed and now stand abandoned
or at least kept in a semi maintained coma state in the event of prospective investors being found.

The 3 projects are a 4 star beach resort, holiday apartments and a 18 hole golf course.

As to how such a island can get a hat trick or abandoned projects is pretty complicated, so I won't
bore you with it, except know that it revolves around basic economics, financial melt downs and the
odd paranormal invisible jungle elf that locals believe inhabit the island.

The beach resort:
The beach resort was a mixture of individual chalets and main hotel room blocks connected to the
main building. Searching the internet I see the official website for the resort is still up and running.
I wonder how many tourists show up to the island and are greeted with an abandonment! Doh!















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The holiday apartments:
The Mediterranean apartments were an impressive thing to see. They were allegedly designed by
a Spanish architect brought in to design this project. The big problem however with this Med theme
is that it doesn't suit the tropics. The windows for each apartment were too small creating dark and
dingy interiors.

Allegedly 7 old tombs which were on the land had to be moved first before this project could go ahead,
this didn't go down to well with locals and jungle elves alike.


Crab people.





The show apartment, this one is maintained to high standards in the off chance an investor pops
round and wants to rescue the project. Other than this all the other rooms were empty shells
and most were locked.




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All I can say is WOW. This place is truly stunning. It's incredible to me to see a place like this left 'as-is', seemingly untouched by chavs/local filth.

I'm guessing this place is only accessable by boat, how did you even hear about it?
Stunning find Raz!!! :)

How unbelievable that all of this could just be left! :huh:

Great photos ol' boy!

This place quality oozes quality. Do you know what the future plans are for this Resort?

Thanks very much for sharing with us in not so sunny England! :wcool::no:
There was talk to revive it, but this was before the economy hit the wall. So I guess it'll be
left like this for sometime yet.

I only found out about this place after searching through flickr and saw
an Aussie tourist post pics of the resort with complaints that everything was abandoned! :mrgreen:
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Wow, wow, wow :exclaim: Unbelievable :exclaim: You did'nt say that the 1st place was actually furnished as well. Surely SOMEBODY must be able to find a use for it :question: When I saw the 1st pic for the 2nd location I thought it was a hotel in Grenada that I worked on in 2007. Wonderful work Raz :)
There was talk to revive it, but this was before the economy hit the wall. So I guess it'll be
left like this for sometime yet.

I only found out about this place after searching through flickr and saw
an Aussie tourist post pics of the resort with complaints that everything was abandoned! :mrgreen:

Okay, thanks for that. Criminal to think that this is all just left like this. Looks pretty useable from the pics :(
As TP says, hopefully a new use can be found -especially before it gets trashed or just falls into a derelict state of disrepair :(
That's a stunning find and pics ! :D

I don't know about visiting, I think I might move in!! I'm sure I will scare the jungle elves more than them me!! :mrgreen:
WOW, and OMG springs to mind looking at these. I was drooling over the pics in the first part, the second part I was nearly falling off my chair. Those places are absolutely awesome, I can't believe they've just been left, it's incredible.

Jeez, i so want to go out to Malaysia now. I know i keep saying you find some cracking places Raz, but these are just incredible.

Excellent pics mate, of an excellent place. Thank you so much for sharing,


:) Sal

* goes off to hassle Mendo into going to Malaysia :mrgreen: *

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