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Derelict Places

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Ok so to put my side of the story on you can see from the OP I had done this a few months before posting on here and another site, none of my shots are tagged on flickr............and it was only after seeing other shots on flickr and other sites that I posted on here........there end of story :p

If you or anyone puts a place in public, then everyone can see that you or another person has done it. They can then make up their own minds. If someone punches an old lady in the face, it doesn't mean it's fine for someone else to then do it. They just become as vilified as the first person to do it. I know the flickr story, and I know the person concerned changed the info after they were asked too. At the end of the day, there's no need to put the full name of somewhere when it's still live. If it's about the photography, the place name should matter even less.

At the end of the day, I really don't care. I've done this place, but i'm merely thinking of those that would like to do it, whose chances are 'possibly' lessened by those that post it everywhere. As i've said before, I like your photography Vic, but I and a number of other less vocal people, would just wish you didn't name the places. That's all. I'm pretty sure the point has been made, so i shall do you and everyone a favour by shutting up :mrgreen:
Oh, joy. More dark, gash HDR's. FFS, learn to use a camera properly. Also, Courage? On public forums? Really?

Lockdown, vandalism and theivery, here we come!


this has been around on the web/facebook for ages a good 6 months or so and again the curse of ue takes
taken from

Urban Exploration has become all but an institution. Numerous websites, discussion groups, books, magazine features and all the media coverage your run-of-the-mill cult can carry, coupled with overexploitation of digital technology kills trends quicker than you can say URL. And that is certainly the case with UE. It is no longer an elite wink between a select club but something that is overinformationalised, categorised and pegged down to the last Googled, iPhoned coordinate.

UE needs the limelight so that the members can display their findings, but at the same time, that very same light kills the sport as it is not only based on exclusivity (partly because some of the acts are criminal) but also on exposure of the sites that have been visited and documented. Put simply, when you drag this said subculture into the light, it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
Being a newb find myself somewhat confused, i have also posted my pityful amount of explores on this and another site, as i enjoy the contrasting approaches of both. I would hope this in no way marks me down as an "attention seeker" which i would find deplorable. I appreciate the argument for keeping places under wraps to prevent unwanted attention from infidels, but does that mean i cannot post on places until they have been hammered by the chosen few watching down on us mere mortals . I know trust is earned and in all aspects of life we must " serve our time" , but feel this issue smacks of elitism. From someone who has only ever taken holiday snaps of the chimps i wouldn't take kindly to "learn how to use a camera" we all have to learn, and would not constructive criticism be better than blunt rebukes. In the knowledge this may bring a ton of abuse my way, but had to say something.
For the record thought the pics were great, love the control panel, so much more "Thunderbirds" than recent DCS installations
Have signed up at night school for photography course!
I appreciate the argument for keeping places under wraps to prevent unwanted attention from infidels, but does that mean i cannot post on places until they have been hammered by the chosen few watching down on us mere mortals .

Personal choice, it's up to you, your own approach and your own concience to decide what to do. Ignore those that tell you otherwise.
Being a newb find myself somewhat confused, i have also posted my pityful amount of explores on this and another site, as i enjoy the contrasting approaches of both. I would hope this in no way marks me down as an "attention seeker" which i would find deplorable. I appreciate the argument for keeping places under wraps to prevent unwanted attention from infidels, but does that mean i cannot post on places until they have been hammered by the chosen few watching down on us mere mortals . I know trust is earned and in all aspects of life we must " serve our time" , but feel this issue smacks of elitism. From someone who has only ever taken holiday snaps of the chimps i wouldn't take kindly to "learn how to use a camera" we all have to learn, and would not constructive criticism be better than blunt rebukes. In the knowledge this may bring a ton of abuse my way, but had to say something.
For the record thought the pics were great, love the control panel, so much more "Thunderbirds" than recent DCS installations
Have signed up at night school for photography course!

Dont worry about the "learn how to use a camera" comment, straight over my head I'm sure when we bump into each other Nebs will gladly show me how to use it properly :lol:
Being a newb find myself somewhat confused, i have also posted my pityful amount of explores on this and another site, as i enjoy the contrasting approaches of both. I would hope this in no way marks me down as an "attention seeker" which i would find deplorable. I appreciate the argument for keeping places under wraps to prevent unwanted attention from infidels, but does that mean i cannot post on places until they have been hammered by the chosen few watching down on us mere mortals . I know trust is earned and in all aspects of life we must " serve our time" , but feel this issue smacks of elitism. From someone who has only ever taken holiday snaps of the chimps i wouldn't take kindly to "learn how to use a camera" we all have to learn, and would not constructive criticism be better than blunt rebukes. In the knowledge this may bring a ton of abuse my way, but had to say something.
For the record thought the pics were great, love the control panel, so much more "Thunderbirds" than recent DCS installations
Have signed up at night school for photography course!

People go on about elitism way too much and people keeping places to themselves etc. It's as tired as the debate over when to put places in public. If you think someone is 'elite' or whatever, it's just they put more effort in than you and cross the country at a moment's notice, spend time in archives researching, spend time reccying places. Then find the good stuff. If you're a noob (your words) if can be frustrating. But you need to learn how security works, where to step in a building, what a pir is, when the best time to go is etc etc. learning exploring is the same as knitting or driving a car.

Regards different forums, most people are on more than one. I post here and on UER. I've always felt this forum was more focused on the history of places and dereliction, which i like. And less about willy waving and elitism which happens on uer and other sites. I recently bought 2 books on the Cafe Royal which i explored, and intend to put up a full detailed report on it here. I think the place is fascinating and want to share. The site is heavily secured now, so i doubt anyone will get in again.

There's nothing wrong in putting up somewhere that's just been done/live, but just don't put the name of the place or where it is. If people want to know, they can ask you. You can then assess whether they are trustworthy. If you name somewhere it get's picked up on google/bing/other. Obviously if it's somewhere well known, it's down to you to decide. Do you want the willy waving glory, or do you want as many people to see/do it as possible? I don't think Potter's Mansion has been properly named anywhere, and it's still do-able. Even though some twits have managed to get caught there:confused:

As Krela says, personal choice. Innit!
Dont worry about the "learn how to use a camera" comment, straight over my head I'm sure when we bump into each other Nebs will gladly show me how to use it properly :lol:
Cheers amigo, wasn't trying to stir up s..t, just unsure of the lay of the land. Being a sad old fart i have no interest in being part of the "in crowd" or being "first in", i just want to enjoy my exploring, but surely all posts could alert infidels to whats out there. :)
. Do you want the willy waving glory, or do you want as many people to see/do it as possible?:

As Krela says, personal choice. Innit!

Cheers fella have taken your comments on board, as i mentioned in other message i'm in no way a glory hunter, the point i was trying to make was surely all posts alert others but appreciate some sites are more precious than others . As to willy waving, if you had one as small as mine, can assure you woud be the last thing you'd be thinking of :lol:

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