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If I came across this when I was a 12 year old kid, it wouldn't have gone to waste. We would have found a way of turning it into a go-cart. Big hill, steering with your feet and a piece of string, no brakes, parent's nightmare.:lol:

I blame the fact that we didn't have the PS3. :neutral:
Definitely looks upside down to me. You can see rivulets of paint by what looks like the hand holes. If it were the right way up, I imagine that it would a) have been painted internally too, and b) been painted more carefully. The drips suggest a mindset of "it's ok, nobody will see this bit".

I see the paint but I also see that it's running downwards in the position it's currently in, suggesting it was at least painted how it currently stands - so it may not be upside down after all. It does look similar to those potato trays mentioned earlier
It's a bespoke piece, it could be anything... this conversation is ludicrous... :S

Yes, it is ludicrous, but on the plus side there’s some good reports going up just now, so we’ll be losing interest in this diversion real soon krela………… promise. :mrgreen:
Yes, it is ludicrous, but on the plus side there’s some good reports going up just now, so we’ll be losing interest in this diversion real soon krela………… promise. :mrgreen:

Yeah......maybe :lol: Its a bit like buying a kid something brilliant and the little sh*t plays with the box.....
It's a spanking stool, you put your hands and feet through the holes and get spanked... Oh those public schoolday memories..... Or have I just been on the internet too much....
I've got it!! Just used Googles reverse image search, and I can reveal that this is infact... A Fox :D won't be using that again!

I tried searching for it under '1980s green grocer' in google images, and got a picture of the Mujahadeen!? Dont think fruit and veg were really their trade at the time!

Your friend might not have been able to drive there but someone else might have in a 4x4. If it was just dumped then there would be no reason to take it far from a road,,,,,,,,, over a hedge would have done

There is no sign of potato dirt or any wear inside

There are no signs of fibreglass stains which would inevitably mark a mould

The two side boards have rebates cut into them as does the left hand end

The central rib is lower than the sides but level with the rebates

The rebates are not painted,,, nor is the edge of the right hand board

On the ground are a couple of painted strips of wood,,,,,, the edges are not painted

I think the "top" was boarded up with strips of wood to completely enclose the two cavities and that idea is reinforced with the way it has all been painted.

The legs suggest it is the correct way up as do the drips of paint inside the hand holds

It is not built strongly enough to be part of a fairground ride

There is no sign of water damage inside of the hand holes so it has not been left out in the rain for very long

The boarded underside contour is puzzling,,,,,, if it is the correct way up then there would be no reason to make that contour unless it is to fit on to something else,,, and if it does then why board all of the contour?

The underside contour nearly matches the top contour,,,,,,,,,,,,,, possibly the structure was used to 'temporally' provide an extension of an existing contour,,, the legs only there to stabilise the structure when it was removed from position

If it was manhandled into position then there would have been no reason to put in hand holes unless the structure fitted snugly on top of another contour

I used to be a diagnostic engineer :)

I think,,,,,,,,,,,,


a left hand one of these :)

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Eureka........ the two together........ it's a mold for flat bottom boat...

oh well back to the drawing board
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