National Temperance Hospital Sept 08

Derelict Places

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In response to the last 3 posts

Misstee - the balconies look even better up close:wink:

Cuban - You have now

Els - I wouldn't go that far

I feel reasonably sated about this place now. Although annoyed didn't get into the newer wing.

Will post more pics in due course
Internal Pics update

Thought i'd update this. I was keeping pics out of public view as others wanted to do it.

To add to the History, it was built here in 1879, opened in 1885. The calendars on the walls show 2004 as the last year of use. One of the central stairwells has bad water damage, you can see it dripping through. The basement had a burst water main, and is flooded, about 3-4cms deep.

The Ground floor was used for outpatients, the first floor had the only sign of a ward. the upper floors were for admin.

The newer wing, Insull Memorial, is sealed.

1) Above the Entrance area



4) Can i take it to the bridge...

5) Flooded generator room



8) Internal hallway

9) The flooded basement, those things on the floor are actually floating in about 3-4cms of water!


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