Another empty village in Leeds?

Derelict Places

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
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Surely not? The original Empty Village thread was meant as a bit of fun, but I see it's still getting mileage here and elsewhere. Never mind, here's another curious place.

It's on the cusp between empty/abandoned and derelict. No real security yet, not even boarded up or fenced. If this doesn't count as derelict then admin please remove. I thought it would be interesting to see how this place deteriorates from now on. The only way is down.

Still, enjoy it while you can, especially if you like that real "Marie Celeste" feeling. Only one or two broken windows, only one piece of graffiti. Litter? Heaven Forbid!

The site isn't huge, but it's not small either. A few empty grand Victorian villas set around grassland. Here's looking across the site;


You can just walk in and around, though there are dire warnings about cameras. Given the age of the place there are some nice buildings and details.


I lost count, but there are maybe 4, 5 or 6 of these houses, all empty.


This next one is my favourite, and I think the favourite of the odd stone thrower. Who could resist lobbing a rock at that conservatory eh?


Anyhow, after the old houses it gets a bit strange, these modern blocks are just abandoned. At the moment just one broken window with the curtains blowing in the breeze.


If you visit, then be sure to take some sandwiches and a flask to spend a while sitting in the grounds. Nothing to hear except the birds and the distant hum of commuters, blissfully unaware of what's over the wall, should they care to stop and look.


So, lets see what happens to this place. I can't see it lasting untouched for long. Soon it will be coach tours and light shows. Get in while you can.


Quite a few more pics if they are of any interest.
I dont get it..there is so much damage to the bulidings and the concrete yet the grass has still be neatly cut?:confused:
What a find!!

It would be a real shame if these buildings were knocked down. Considering they are empty and fairly unprotected I'm surprised there isn't more damage done.

I lived in N Leeds when i was young, and there were many old houses like these in the more affluent areas (Roundhay, Horsforth, Shadwell), that were demolished.

They were simply too big to be family homes. Developers would buy them, let them deteriorate and then knock them down and build flats. I suspect that's how that modern block of flats came to be there.

It would be interesting to know who owns them and what their intentions are.
A lot of this place is for the chop, so I don't think much money is being wasted on care and maintenance. A shame as I believe some of the houses may go. I thought it would be interesting to see how it declines from here on.

I guess the sequence will be, increased vandalism, probably a rave from the crusties, increased security, fences up, more vandalism, trashed, demolished.

Some more pics as requested.





And finally,

I love that house in the 3rd pic on the first set of pics. And on the second set, the 3rd one down again, it looks like some kind of dining room?

Do you have a flashearth link to this one? im sure ive seen it before, but unsure when or where ive seen something similar to this.


:) Sal
and lol @ coach tours and light shows. I didnt like the fuss that got made over eastmoor, lots of people ruined that place by turning into a tourist attraction and public joke. I hope you dont divulge the location of this place so only people with a bit of itelligence and respect can find and see it.
The original layout is classic Victorian 'Preparatory School', Head Master's house and houses for each year, with resident house Master. Modern dorms etc add to cover later expansion or slight change of use? I know of five such Victorian establishments in Yorks/Notts. All are now none existent in their original form. Two closed in the 1920s and were eventually swallowed up in their respective expanding suburbs. One lasted until the 1950s, but only by selling half of the properties - which were demolished in 1936. The other two became training colleges, with modern buildings. In both cases most of the original buildings came down, or were drastically altered. Both establishments are now used for other commercial purposes.

As for the Leeds Reformatory site. If you make out that the site is a secret or something mysterious, it is only human nature for people to seek it out. If the proper use had been included in the original report, I doubt it would have caused such interest.

Personally if I see a good report, with representative pictures that allow one to 'see' the location/buildings, then I have no desire to go clambering around inside - unless the structure is really special - and I do not consider this particular site that special. It was far more rewarding to meet - whilst walking the dog - the people who have worked and lived on the site for 30 years. Their memories and pictures were far more telling, than a scramble through the dereliction. Each to their own, but I get more out of archive searches, maps, talking to old residents etc to find the history and true facts of a particular building/site, than an interior explore.
alrite man, we are A level photogrpahy students and hav been takin photos around adel and yorkshow ground we are realy interested in going to this place and would apreciate it if you could email me a google earth lnik or jus a ruff set of directions to where it is
cheers man
alrite man, we are A level photogrpahy students and hav been takin photos around adel and yorkshow ground we are realy interested in going to this place and would apreciate it if you could email me a google earth lnik or jus a ruff set of directions to where it is
cheers man

I cant see him doing that anytime soon :lol:
Looks like the weekend homes of cityfolks, who only visit in the summer, but still pay for the gardener.

Just a guess. Dunno about the blocks.
it really makes me angry:icon_evil to see old properties just left empty like that when there is a huge problem with affordable housing in this country surely our so called joke of a government could put families in need or homeless pepole in there especially in city areas like leeds.:mad: