Old food labels and packets

Derelict Places

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I feel like i should be leaving my litter around while exploring, to give furture explorers something else to photograph! lol :lol:

Lost, Did you see the old custard creams and golden wonder packets in our undergroud trip?

This empty packet turned up under some floorboards recently, anyone know when these were 3p a pack?




Feb 1971 - post decimalisation
found a few nice bottles today under the floor of a house i'm working on.
not really food but i bought these for £1.95 in a charity shop recently along with an old lea and perins bottle for 75p

found this R WHITE small lemonade bottle in a drain today.any idea when they added the S at the end of the name ?
Old Hunter & Sons beer bottle lying randomly in the middle of a field.

Yes folks, Peterhead used to have a brewery. :)

I'm not entirely sure when it ceased production, but I have seen mention of it back in the 1800's.

Photo taken a couple of years ago, so I think I'll pop along next week and see if it's still there.

What a fooking superb thread

This a great idea. I have a few of these odd photos from explores not interesting enough for a full report.

Not wanting to sound like an old fart, I prefered the taste in the old packets. I used to like the old "Beef and onion". Can't stand the BBQ and Steak replacements.



I had to post these too. What a novel way for data storage.


Old food labels

These images are a goldmine, if I might put it so, to us who work in the theatrical and scenic world of re-creating and themeing replicas for museums and the like.
Little details like the correct crisp packet for the era, screwed up in the gutter, are exactly the sort of thing people note, if subliminally.
This is the add-on for Robert Opie's marvellous work on packaging through the ages!

Well if that's not confirmation that Lost's idea for a thread was well conceived, I don't know what is. :D

Note to self: snap pics of any old crap from now on. ;)