Sutton Scarsdale Hall, Derbyshire

Derelict Places

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Jan 4, 2006
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Cobland, otherwise known as Derbyshire lol.
After the burnt out wreck of Firbeck, decided to drive south and to have a walk around Sutton Scarsdale Hall. Although not strictly UE, (its owned by English Heritage lol) it is empty and derelict so thought id get a few pics.











Nice one! I can't stand to see buildings like that, I know it's being looked after but stilll..... Why didn't someone rebuild it?!
Lovely pics, Sal.
The first ones look as if they're an older part, which are just the kind of place I like to wander around in. Any history info about it?

Foxy :)
Cheers Foxy,

Just found this tiny bit of info (I did take a pic of the board at the front, with more info on, but that pic has disappeared :cry:).

"The imposing shell of a grandiose Georgian mansion built in 1724-29, with an immensely columned exterior. Roofless since 1919, when its interiors were dismantled and some exported to America: but there is still much to discover within, including traces of sumptuous plaster-work. Set amid contemporary garden remains, including ha ha ditch and parish church."

Will find out more and put it up.

:) Sal

oooooh, found more info.
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Great pictures Sal, that place looks really grand I bet it was beautiful once.

Also is it just me or does it look like the place that guy did up on the first episode of grand designs. If he made his building liveable again then why cant some one help this place:question:
Stunning pics of an amazingly elegant looking building. It somehow retains it's dignity -even with no floors & roof!! Still, bet it's got good ventilation!!:lol:;)
Ta Sal,

Good pics mate

Just the type of place I'm looking for , for upcomming shoots
Love the looks of places like that

Show you the past and what has been lost
Hi Stud,

Sutton Scarsdale hall is owned by English Heritage and is open to go and have a look around anytime. It's also better to park on the road instead of going in the car park, as they close the car park barrier at either 5 or 6pm (cant remember off hand sorry). There were quite a few people knocking about when i called in at around 6.30 - 7ish.

You've also got good views over the area as well.

:) Sal
Did you go down the cellars...myself and dweeb scared a family when we emerged from beneath the hall...
Did you go down the cellars...myself and dweeb scared a family when we emerged from beneath the hall...

That sounds cool!!
Sadly when I visited they were securely locked. There is a rumour of a tunnel any sign of it in the cellar?
Thanks smileysal
Will have to have a look around there soon.

Got to tell us turkey where the enterence to the celler is :)
It's a shame John Harris wasn't around 25 years earlier.

I've seen a few shells of castles & monastries but not many stately homes.
There is an entrance in the room to the left of the main entrance from the car park.

jump over the railings and hey are in.
Firbeck is burnt out?

sorry Tims, not Firbeck Hall, I mean't the bathouse building at the old Firbeck Colliery. Pitch black in there, had to just aim the camera and press the button and hope there'd be something to see. Turned out ok tho, thankfully.

and cheers Turkey, will have to have another trip over there and have a look at the cellars. Is there much to see down there?


:) Sal
Is there much to see down there?

Loads if you're a rabbit or have night vision!

When we went down it was just black, I had a 1 million candle power spotlight and even that was useless in the dark, for some reason when we did go in a couple years ago it had a habit of being foggy in the cellars and you could literally only see 2 feet in front of you. But yeh we didn't venture too far into them as it was so dark, even the flash on my camera was useless!

Good place to visit though, if a little bit spooky at night!

Did you just see the hall or did you go down the lane at the back of it?