Lead Mine near Garigill, Cumbria

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This was a nice little mine, not very extensive but good for a 5 hour trip.Lots of trials branch off the main drivage but all were blocked . Not a lot of features except the usual classic Pennines arching and 12 inches of welly-sucking red mud :)

Photos were a bit more rushed than usual as I was with other people and the horse level is very narrow so setting up was a problem. Hope you like the pics anyway!



First junction, right side ends in a collapse about 100 yards in.


One of the collapsed workings

Again, another collapse. Had a quick look past this arch but the drivage only went about 30 feet then ended

One of the more recent digs by explorers, a great example of spiling and use of a barrel for access

Cheers folks:)
looks like another good explore bigloada, great photo's as always loved the first one of the arch tunnel the work that has gone into making that beggers beleif
Very nice Bigloada , bit embarrassed but I had to Google Garrigill to find where it was, some Cumbrian I am.

Lovely shots mate.

See what going on holiday made me miss? Then again I'd probably get stuck in that barrel tube thingy.
You take a cracking photo sir! I think I might just fit throught that tube but it would be a near thing.
real nice pics BL the first one looks like it has a face carved out of the rock sort of like an underground mt.rushmore
Great underground shots. I love the arches the make out of rocks in some of these mines, gives it a Lord of the Rings look :p
stunning site this one shown to great effect in your photos.

Would love to visit a place like this some time.

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