Riding School Worplesdon April 2009

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Milton Keynes
For some reason this ended up in the epic fail bin at 28DL ... maybe someone here could enlighten me as to why :S

After our little jaunt to Tangley Place, me and my friend Jo visited the next place on our list:
An old riding stables in Worplesdon. It looked like we wouldn't gain access but we managed to "squeeze" in.
I have absolutely no history on it as it doesn't really have a name as far as I'm aware so it would be like looking for a needle in a hay stack so am just gonna get straight into it with the pics!

I took quite a few but picked out some of the good ones and the rest can be found here: http://s680.photobucket.com/albums/vv165/bex_urbex/Stables/

1. The first stable pen

2. A LOVELY wasp/bees nest that I was not keen on disturbing

3. A smashed window

4. Saucepan anyone?

5. A wheelbarrow.. and some weird thing that I have no idea what it is!

6. From inside the stable, a picture of the opposite pen (it was raining :()

7. Inside another stable pen (with an abandoned bike :D)

8. A very tiny window

9. Dog baskets... in a stable .. odd

10. After going through these really empty stables, we came to another block which look slightly newer (and then we soon found out that one end was still in use :eek:) In one of the pens was a pile of crap

11. Suprisingly, there was a box with loads of horse grooming stuff :eek: and I was suprised to see loads of hay still...

12. Inside one of the newer (and emptier) pens

13. VERY VERY over grown

14. BBQ anyone???? (

15. On the way back, we discovered this :eek: I maintain that it is something out of Torchwood (for any fans, I'm thinking Series 1: Countrycide when Gwen and Owen find that carcass in the woods)

16. Very oddly the entire backbone and head were attached but lay about 5 ft from the skin

Anyway thus ends our rather boring trip to the stables. As for security I would say it was a 1 on the scale but due to it being right on a residential road - it was quite hairy - especially since someone I know lives on the same street and her dad's a police man so was a pretty hairy entrance and exit. It was rather samey same - one stable looks like another type feeling but still - as it was on our list, we did it :)
Nice report and pictures!

ALL of my reports were binned on 28dl, some with no real reason. The same reports on here were well received, so keep posting here. People are friendly.

Yea I have realised that this place seems a little more friendly.. I saw one of the reports from the bin on 28days over here and the pics were really encouraged (may have been yours lol) ...

I dunno.. I do like 28days but it is very guarded..

Anyway, thanks for the reply James :)
Mine were binned a while back, I was also banned for stating the fact that they gave me no reason for the deletion. 28DL has some great reports, but it is so hard for new members to get in. Best stay here.

James :)

P.S. Were there originally pics on the stables thread on 28dl, or did you take them off to spite then?
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I err took them off because if OT and Alias were already giving me a hard time, you could bet that the rest of them would soon follow and it's only my second report so didn't really need the hassle..

But yeah I think I prefer this site cos it seems to me all the new members over at 28dl are not well received... it seems that there is a hierarchy.. or that could just be reading into it.. plus I hate how the posts are all moderated.. makes having a conversation REALLLLLY hard!!

Are you still banned on there or did they let you back on?
Yeah, I agree about the hierarcy. I am still banned. I don't really care ;)
Trouble is, they don't really give advice when the posts are deleted. That was my problem.
Anyway, better stop talking about 28dl, some members are on this forum too.

No disrespect to 28dl, but they need to make it more open to new members.
Yeah there isn't much to go on so you don't know to improve.. but yeah..

anyway, thanks for nice replies :) I'm looking forward to my next hunt on Stupidmonth.
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I will do :) :)

we are gonna try and catch the last remnants of Cane Hill. am VERY excited.
It's about 25+ miles from me, but going on the train. I wish I had gone to see it sooner too :( :( but I will deffo put the pics up for ya.
..... and now Cane Hill security might just be waiting for you!! :lol:
Well maybe I'm not really going on a stupidday and that was just a clever ploy to evade detection...

Anywho my other report has been deleted from 28days later now.. which I find really annoying cos it takes time to put these reports together gah!
ahaha anyway thanks Lilli for pointing out the stupidity of putting the day.. won't make that mistake again.
I was a bit worried a first glance about the dead thing. Looking a bit closer, it doesn't appear to be a horse or pony. Otherwise I'd have suggested contacting the RSPCA.

However, it does still beg the question... WTF is it? Sheep, perhaps?

By the way, the tack box and contents are all mine. Please arrange to have them sent to me forthwith. :D
Haha!! V funny ... unless you are serious, in which case you will seriously need to think about getting it back!

begs the question why there isn't much more security up though since it contains all that!!

Yeah I think it was a deer that had been hit by a car as there was broken bits of car around.

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